§ 22-21. Approval of survey.

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The subdivider shall submit the field survey to the plat officer.


    Any property that has been split after May 20, 1985, will not be able to be split again except by using the minor subdivision process. See division 4 of article II of chapter 22 in the Code of Ordinances.


    Water and sewer mains must run adjacent to some part of the parent lot and the newly created lot to qualify for a lot split. Adjacent is defined in this ordinance as: on the same side of the street, across the street, in the street, or no farther than two hundred fifty (250) feet from the nearest lot line of both the parent lot or the newly created lot, unless the newly created lot is to be included as a lot combination with a lot that currently has these services.


    Any new lot created and zoned as commercial or industrial must be located no farther than three hundred (300) feet from an existing fire hydrant.


    Any new lot created and zoned as residential must be located no farther than six hundred (600) feet from an existing fire hydrant.


    Part of each lot must front upon a city street, unless the split off portion will be legally combined with an adjacent lot that has street frontage.


    Following due consideration of the field survey, the plat officer shall approve or disapprove the field survey. In case of disapproval, the reasons for such action shall be delivered to the subdivider.


    Following approval of the field survey by the plat officer, it shall be forwarded to the city council or to the city manager for approval. Lot splits that meet all city requirements for the lot split process, after determination by the plat officer, may be approved by the city manager for recording, without an enacting ordinance and without city council approval. Lot splits that do not meet city requirements will not be approved by the city manager. Persons having a request for a lot split that does not meet all requirements for the process or that have special concerns or issues have the option to take their request to city council for approval with an enacting ordinance.


    Within fifteen (15) days after the approval of the field survey by the city manager or city council, the plat officer shall file the field survey with the county recorder.


    The subdivider shall pay the cost of recording the field survey and accompanying documents, if any.

(Ord. No. 11367, 2-1-99; Ord. No. 12156 , § 2, 4-20-2015; Ord. No. 12244, 5-15-2017)