§ 6-165. Temporary signs, banners, and searchlights.  

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  • (1)

    Temporary signs.


    Except where otherwise prohibited; in addition to the allowed advertising signage set forth herein, each business shall be allowed to use a portable, temporary sign for their advertising needs. These signs shall be permitted by the codes and planning director after a site plan has been submitted and approved. The fee for the temporary sign is as noted in the fee schedule published by the city, a copy of which is available at city hall during normal business hours, or on the city's website. The temporary sign permit will expire after the number of months purchased by the permit. A temporary sign can only be purchased for up to three (3) months. The person purchasing the temporary sign permit must make sure the expiration date is written in the lower right hand corner of the sign to assist in enforcement of the ordinance. If the sign is discovered without an expiration date, the sign must be removed immediately until the date can be applied to the sign. The temporary sign shall be located on private land and shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in total area. In cases where businesses do not have sufficient land for the placement of a temporary sign, a sign shall be permitted in the adjacent sidewalk area if the sign does not create a safety hazard, does not obstruct the sidewalk, and is removed at the end of the business day. Temporary signs promoting community or public related events may be located on any lot with permission of the lot owner. Signs advertising new or existing businesses must be located on the property where the business is currently located or where it has plans to locate. Temporary signs shall be clean and maintained in a sound state of repair. Temporary signs that are in need of repair shall be removed or repaired as ordered by the codes and planning director.


    Products and service signs and banners.


    These are signs that do not advertise a business name, but the services or products that a business provides, such as: 15" Pepperoni Pizza $10; cold beer 24-pak $15; milk $2.50 gal.; we buy gold; flu shots; Powerball tickets here, oil changes here, etc., and shall be regulated in the following manner.


    Signs may be no larger than thirty-two (32) square feet in size.


    All signs must be attached to a structure on the business property such as a fence, the building, awning support, private light pole. Any of these signs stuck into the ground or the parking lot will be considered a temporary sign and will require a permit.


    Any banner or sign as described above displayed in a commercial business zoning district does not require the purchase of a permit. All banners, while not requiring a permit and not required to meet the wind pressure requirement, shall have a neat and clean appearance and be maintained in good repair.


    All banners and signs must be clean and maintained in a sound state of repair. Any that are torn, dirty, or defaced must be removed.


    Advertising banners or products and services signs are not allowed to be above or in the public right-of-way.


    In all districts, including the Downtown Kirksville area, temporary signs or banners of a public or semi-public nature shall be permitted. Banners of a public or semi-public nature or function shall be permitted to be displayed on private property or in the right-of-way subject to approval of the city.


    Banners or signs displayed on vehicles or persons shall not be regulated by this article.




    A permit for the use of a searchlight, or for a searchlight to be used as an attention attracting device may be permitted and granted under the following additional regulations:


    A searchlight shall be located a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet from a public right-of-way and positioned so as to project all beams at a minimum angle of forty-five (45) degrees from grade level, and roof level.


    The maximum light intensity generated by searchlights on any premises may not exceed a total of 1.6 million foot candlepower. No more than four (4) beams of light may be projected from any premises.


    All searchlights must be designed and maintained and focused so as to prevent rays of light from being directed at any portion of the rights-of-way or adjoining property, and no light shall be of such intensity or brilliance to cause glare to impair the vision of the driver of any vehicle, or to create greater than 0.5 foot candles at four (4) feet height at the property line.


    No searchlight may be operated between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.


    No searchlight may be operated on a premise(s) for more than seven (7) consecutive days.


    No permit for a searchlight may be issued for any business entity for which a permit has been issued for a searchlight on the same premises within the six (6) months preceding the date of the permit application.


    Searchlights may be used in commercial zones only.

(Ord. No. 11970, § 1, 8-1-2011; Ord. No. 12231, 2-6-2017; Ord. No. 12233, 3-6-2017)