§ 6-164. Where signs permitted, number and types of signs allowed, and sign size.  

Latest version.
  • Signs may be permitted in all zoning districts, but each zoning district has varying allowances for types and sizes of signs. The reference to zoning classes is taken from the zoning ordinance. The categories listed below are defined as:

    Where signs permitted: Location or type of structure or area use.

    Type of signs allowed: The different types of signs allowed in the designated district.

    Number of signs allowed: The maximum number of signs of each type allowed in defined area.

    Sign size: The maximum number of square feet allowed for each sign face.

    Sign height: The maximum height of the sign allowed, as measured from the average grade level of the land directly beneath the sign to the highest point on the sign.

    Other: Other requirements in size, location, type, restrictions, etc.

    Advertising signs in the city must advertise only for those lots or buildings on which the sign rests, with the exception of billboard signs and temporary/sandwich signs. Signs are allowed based on the zoning district the signage is being placed in, as follows:

    (1) Zoning

    R-1 Single-Family Residential
    R-2 Two-Family Residential
    RP-2 Planned Two-Family Special Residential
    R-2S Two-Family Special Residential
    RP-2S Planned Two-Family Special Residential
    RP-5 Planned Mobile Home Park



    Where permitted: Permitted home occupation

    Type allowed: Detached sign or wall sign

    Number allowed: One (1) per home

    Sign size: Two (2) square feet

    Height: Eight (8) feet

    Other: Must be a permanent, non-illuminated sign.


    Where permitted: For Sale or For Rent signs for lots or buildings

    Type allowed: Detached sign

    Number allowed: One (1) per lot

    Sign size: Fifteen (15) square feet

    Height: Eight (8) feet


    1. Can be a permanent or temporary, non-illuminated sign.

    2. Can use existing sign pedestals and faces to mount For Sale or For Rent information.

    3. "For Rent" or "For Sale" signs may only be located on the property for sale or for rent.


    Where permitted: Church or other institutional use

    Type allowed: Detached sign or wall signs

    Number allowed: One (1) detached sign and two (2) wall signs

    Sign size: Fifty (50) square feet each

    Height: Eight (8) feet


    1. Must be a permanent sign.

    2. Can be illuminated or non-illuminated.

    3. Signs must provide only name or location information, public activities, use, or directional information related to the property on which the sign rests.


    Where permitted: Buildings under construction

    Type allowed: Detached sign

    Number allowed: One (1) per building

    Sign size: Fifty (50) square feet

    Height: Eight (8) feet


    1. These are temporary signs only and are non-illuminated.

    2. Signs may show only names of architects, engineers, buildings, contractors, and location/company information on the premises of a building being constructed, provided any sign is removed upon completion of the building. These signs require a temporary sign permit.

    3. A small contractor sign is permitted on the premises of any building worked on by that contractor but must be removed as soon as the work is completed. This type of sign does not require a sign permit, but is limited to a maximum size of four (4) square feet. Lawn service contractors are also allowed a sign in the yard while working on a site but the sign must be removed when the contractor finishes the project at the end of the day.

    (2) Zoning

    R-3 Multi-Family Residential
    RP-3 Planned Multi-Family Residential
    R-3S Multi-Family Special Residential
    RP-3S Planned Multi-Family Special Residential
    R-4 General Residential
    RP-4 Planned General Residential
    R-4S General Special Residential
    RP-4S Planned General Special Residential



    Signs shall also be permitted as provided for under subsection (1) above:


    Where permitted: Multi-family home with a minimum of ten thousand (10,000) sq. ft. of land area.

    Type allowed: Detached sign

    Number allowed: One (1) sign for each ten thousand (10,000) square feet of land area

    Sign size: Thirty-two (32) square feet

    Height: Eight (8) feet


    1. Any sign must be permanent.

    2. The sign can be non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated.

    3. Signs shall be limited to location or contact information, public activities, and use and directional information related to the property on which the sign rests.

    4. Signs must be located not more than one (1) foot in front of any required front or side building setback line as determined by the code enforcement officer.

    (3) Zoning

    O-1P Office Planned
    C-1 Local Business
    CP-1 Planned Local
    CBD Central Business District
    CBDP Planned Central Business District
    LDCZ Low Density Corridor Zone
    MDCZ Medium Density Corridor Zone



    Signs shall also be permitted as provided for subsections (1) and (2) above.


    For CBD and CBDP zoning districts, these requirements apply only to those areas not included within the Downtown Kirksville area for sign regulations.


    All signs can be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated, or directly illuminated.


    Signs may only apply to the permitted use on that property, lot, or building where that sign rests.


    Billboards are not permitted in any of the zones listed above.


    Sign letters or pictures painted on a buildings wall surface that advertise the business is considered to be a wall sign.


    Where permitted: Any stand alone business or commercial establishment.

    Type allowed: Wall signs, projecting signs, detached signs, canopy sign, moving message sign.

    Number allowed: Two (2) wall signs OR one (1) wall sign and one (1) canopy sign, plus one (1) projecting sign OR one (1) detached sign.

    Wall sign size: Each wall sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total area of that wall fascia the sign is mounted on, with one hundred (100) square feet being the maximum sign size allowed.

    Projecting sign: Two hundred (200) square feet.

    Detached sign: One (1.0) square foot for each linear foot of lot frontage, with two hundred (200) square feet being the maximum.

    Canopy sign: A canopy sign is limited to only the vertical flap of the canopy.

    Height—Wall signs: Shall not extend above the height of the wall on which they are mounted.

    Projecting sign: Shall not extend above the height of the wall on which it is mounted.

    Detached sign: Twenty-five (25) feet.


    1. A projecting sign shall not extend more than six (6) feet from the face of the building.

    2. No sign shall extend over public property other than a projecting sign over the public sidewalk.

    3. Any detached sign shall be located no less than five (5) feet from any neighboring property line.

    4. In the case of a corner lot (when figuring the sign size by the lot frontage), the street side that is addressed shall be used for the calculation.

    5. In the case of a corner lot with multiple street frontages, an additional wall sign shall be allowed on each side street frontage.

    6. A moving message sign would be counted as either a wall sign, projecting sign, or detached, sign, depending on where it is located.


    Where permitted: Planned local shopping center or office park

    Type allowed: Wall signs, projecting signs, detached signs, canopy sign, moving message sign

    Number allowed: One (1) wall sign or canopy sign, one (1) detached sign (mounted on a fixture that advertises the shopping center or office complex), one (1) projecting sign.

    Wall sign size: Each wall sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total area of that wall fascia the sign is mounted on, with one hundred (100) square feet being the maximum sign size allowed.

    Detached sign: Thirty-two (32) square feet

    Projecting sign: Thirty-two (32) square feet

    Canopy sign: A canopy sign is limited to only the vertical flap of the canopy.

    Height: A wall sign shall not extend above the height of the wall on which it is mounted.

    Detached sign: Twenty-five (25) feet

    Projecting sign: Shall not extend above the height of the wall on which it is mounted.


    1. The detached sign provided for a local shopping center or office park may have a two hundred (200) square foot main sign at the top which advertises the name of the shopping center or complex.

    2. The individual company advertising signs below the large sign naming the shopping center or complex are limited to thirty-two (32) square feet in size.

    3. No sign shall extend over public property or right-of-way.

    4. Any detached sign shall be located no closer than five (5) feet from any neighboring property line.

    5. A business in a shopping center or office park that does not have a main sign that advertises the complex on the street frontage are allowed to have a detached sign advertising their business next to the right-of-way. These signs must be at least forty (40) feet from any other sign advertising businesses in the same complex when measured parallel to the street frontage. In this case, maximum sign size allowed is one hundred (100) square feet.

    6. A moving message sign would be counted as either a wall sign, projecting sign, or detached, sign, depending on where it is located.


    Zoning Area: Downtown Kirksville—The area known as Downtown Kirksville is not a separate stand-alone zoning district. It is generally a part of the CBD, Central Business District, but it may extend into other zoning districts. These sign regulations apply to all sign requirements within the designated area called Downtown Kirksville.


    The area defined as Downtown Kirksville is:

    That area contained within the CBD and further described as follows: The Downtown Kirksville area is bounded from the middle of Illinois Street on the north, east to the middle of Marion Street, south to the middle of Jefferson Street, west to the old Norfolk & Western Railroad right-of-way, then north to Illinois Street.


    Signs shall also be permitted as provided for under subsections (1) and (2) above but not as permitted in subsection (3) above.


    Billboards are not permitted in the Downtown Kirksville area.


    All signs must advertise those lots or buildings on which the sign rests.

    Exception: See temporary signs, [subsection] (4)g.


    Where permitted: Any business or commercial establishment.

    Type allowed: Wall sign, projecting sign, detached sign, canopy sign, signboard sign, roof sign.

    Number allowed: One (1) wall sign; or one (1) canopy sign, plus one (1) projecting sign; or one (1) detached/pole sign, plus one (1) signboard sign only if installed under a canopy, plus one (1) roof sign.

    Wall sign: A wall sign may not exceed ten (10) percent of the area of the first fifteen (15) vertical feet of wall area. Wall signs shall not exceed two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of the building wall length.

    Projecting sign: A projecting sign shall be limited in size to no more than one (1) square foot of area for each linear foot of the side of the building to which the sign is attached, but may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet.

    Detached/pole sign: A detached/pole sign may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet.

    Awning sign: Limited to the vertical flap of the canopy/awning.

    Signboard sign: Maximum size of fourteen (14) inches by forty-eight (48) inches with minimum of seven (7) feet six (6) inches of clearance above the sidewalk surface.

    Roof sign: Two hundred (200) square feet

    Height: No wall sign, projecting sign, or detached/pole sign shall exceed the height of the building.

    Roof sign: Roof signs shall not extend more than sixteen (16) feet above the roof line.


    1. Sign letters or pictures painted on a building or in a sign band or elsewhere on the building is prohibited, unless there is a historical precedent for the building.

    2. Raised letters on a building façade shall not project out more than three (3) inches from the face of the building.

    3. Any sign band height must not exceed thirty (30) inches on the face of the building.

    4. Painted window signs are encouraged, but may not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the glass area.

    5. In Downtown Kirksville, a projecting sign may project over public property no more than one-half (½) the distance from the building to the curb, and may not project into a public alley or parking lot.

    6. The bottom of any projecting sign shall be no less than ninety (90) inches above the ground.

    7. Any detached/pole sign may not exceed the height of the building, must be located entirely on private property, and may not project over the street line.

    8. Any detached/pole sign shall be located no less than five (5) feet from any neighboring property line.

    9. Exterior neon signage and lighting is allowed. Exterior neon signage must be mounted so it is not a safety hazard.

    Neon signs mounted inside windows must be on first floor windows only, but are not counted as an advertising sign.

    10. For any awning equipped with an advertising sign or logo on the vertical flap, this sign is considered to be one (1) of the fascia or wall signs allowed for the business.

    11. Murals painted on a building are permitted if done for artistic purposes or for expressing a historic or cultural idea. Mural advertising is not permitted.

    12. Roof signs are allowed only on buildings of three (3) or more stories, not counting basements or sub-floors. These signs shall identify only the building or business therein.

    13. If a business is located on a corner lot, that building may have one (1) additional wall sign.


    Banners in the Downtown Kirksville area shall be regulated in the following manner:

    1. Banners or products or services signs may be no greater than thirty-two (32) square feet in size.

    2. Each business is allowed up to three (3) banners.

    3. Any banner displayed in a commercial business zoning district does not require the purchase of a permit as long as it is attached to the building or a structure on private property.

    4. Banners must be attached to the building fascia.

    5. Banners may not be displayed from a canopy or awning.

    6. Permanent banners or pennants are not allowed on the exterior of a building or site.


    Temporary signs.

    1. Temporary signs in the Downtown Kirksville area are prohibited with the following exceptions:


    Sandwich board signs. A sandwich sign shall be permitted in an adjacent sidewalk area of the business if the sign does not create a safety hazard, is removed at the end of the business day, and there is room for two (2) people to walk down the sidewalk side by side. These signs do not require a permit, but they can only be placed on the sidewalk that is in front of the business being advertised. Signs are limited to six (6) feet in height and may not take up more than two (2) feet of the width of the sidewalk.



    1. Searchlights in the Downtown Kirksville area are prohibited.


    Historic downtown appearance. When designing and installing signs, business and property owners are asked to consider the historic precedent of the downtown area, and of restoration efforts made by other property owners, and try to complement the individual storefront characteristics of adjoining properties. The following ideas and suggestions are not requirements but owners are encouraged to follow these guidelines to enhance the Downtown Kirksville area and to promote the historic character and appearance of the downtown:

    1. Sign size. The size of any sign should be in scale with the building and street. The use of large signs should be avoided. Large signs found in strip shopping centers are designed to be perceived by motorists. The Downtown Kirksville area is intended to be historic and pedestrian friendly. Accordingly, signs should be smaller in size and clearly seen at a pedestrian scale.

    2. Sign placement. The placement of signs attached to buildings should be coordinated with those of adjacent buildings. Signs should be placed so they are similar in scale and do not vary significantly up or down from those on adjacent buildings or storefronts.

    3. Sign bands. Any sign band should be incorporated into the design of the façade, located above storefront clerestory and below the second story windows. Sign letters and background should be designed in character with the building architecture.

    4. Street address. Street address numbers should be prominently displayed at each business entrance and be clearly visible from the street. Street numbers may be painted on the front door or transom. Building addresses on the facades of buildings shall be individual cast or cut letters of a material compatible with the building architecture.

    5. Sign lighting. Non-illuminated, directly illuminated, or indirectly illuminated signs are all allowed. All direct illumination should be positioned to prevent light from shining directly into the street or onto adjacent properties.

    6. Sign supports. Frames and any supports for advertising signage should blend with the building architecture.

    7. Sign colors. The color of the flap and letters on canopy or awning signs should be compatible with the colors and materials of the building and its architecture.

    8. Color contrast. The color contrast between the letters and background of any sign should make the sign easy to read. Light colored letters over darker backgrounds are the easiest to read. The sign color should complement the color of the building and adjacent signs. Strive to avoid stark color or design contrasts between the sign and any adjacent buildings.

    9. Franchise signs. Sign colors that are mandated by franchise company regulations shall be permitted.

    10. Multiple businesses. When two (2) or more businesses occupy the same building and share the same entrance, signs should be grouped together in a single panel. The letters and background contained in the panel or directory should be similar.

    (5) Zoning

    C-3 Extensive Business
    CP-3 Planned Extensive Business
    HDCZ High Density Corridor Zone
    M-1 Light Industrial
    MP-1 Planned Light Industrial
    M-2 Heavy Industrial
    MP-2 Planned Heavy Industrial



    Signs shall also be permitted as provided for under subsections (1), (2), and (3) as stated above, not including the Downtown Kirksville area (subsection (4)).


    Signs may only apply to the property, lot, or project that the sign rests on, with the exception of billboards.


    All signs can be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated, or directly illuminated. Any sign that is directly illuminated must not allow the illumination source to be directly visible from the right-of-way or adjoining property. Attention-attracting devices/signs are not allowed, with the exception of searchlights.


    Sign letters or pictures painted on a buildings wall surface used for advertising are considered to be a wall sign.


    Where permitted: Any standalone business or commercial establishment

    Type allowed: Wall signs, projecting signs, detached signs, canopy sign, marquee signs, signboard sign, moving message sign, and billboard signs (See separate section for regulations on billboard signs).

    Number allowed: Two (2) wall signs OR two (2) marquee signs OR two (2) canopy signs OR two (2) projecting signs, (or any combination of two (2) of the foregoing signs), plus one (1) detached sign.

    Wall and marquee sign size: Each wall or marquee sign shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the total area of that wall fascia the sign is mounted on, with two hundred (200) square feet being the maximum sign size allowed for each sign.

    Projecting sign: Two hundred (200) square feet maximum

    Detached sign: Two (2.0) square feet for each linear foot of lot frontage, with two hundred eighty (280) square feet being the maximum.

    Awning sign: An awning sign is limited to only the vertical flap of the canopy.

    Signboard sign: Maximum size of fourteen (14) inches by forty-eight (48) inches with a minimum of ninety (90) inches of clearance above the sidewalk surface.

    Height: Wall, projecting, or marquee signs: Shall not extend above the average roof level of one (1) story buildings more than ten (10) feet, and shall not extend above the average roof level of a two (2) or more story building.

    Detached sign: Thirty-five (35) feet


    1. A projecting sign shall not extend more than six (6) feet from the face of the building.

    2. No sign shall extend over public property.

    3. Any detached sign shall be located no less than five (5) feet from any neighboring property line.

    4. In the case of a corner lot (when figuring the sign size by the lot frontage), the street side where the building is addressed from shall be used for the calculation.

    5. In the case of a corner lot with multiple street frontages, an additional wall sign or marquee sign or projecting sign shall be allowed on each side street frontage.

    6. Businesses with franchise requirements to have more than one (1) pedestal sign in front of the business, to meet brand recognition requirements of the franchiser, will be considered on an individual basis by the codes and planning director.


    Where permitted: Planned local shopping center or office park

    Type allowed: Wall signs, projecting signs, detached signs, awning sign, marquee signs, moving message sign, signboard sign.

    Number allowed: Two (2) wall signs or two (2) marquee signs or two (2) awning signs or two (2) projecting signs, (or any combination of two (2) of the foregoing signs) plus one (1) detached sign (mounted on a fixture that advertises the shopping center or office complex).

    Wall or marquee sign size: Each wall or marquee sign shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the total area of that wall or fascia the sign is mounted on, with one hundred (100) square feet being the maximum sign size allowed.

    Detached sign: Sixty (60) square feet

    Projecting sign: Thirty-two (32) square feet

    Awning sign: An awning sign is limited to only the vertical flap of the canopy.

    Signboard sign: Maximum size of fourteen (14) inches by forty-eight (48) inches with minimum of ninety (90) inches of clearance above the sidewalk surface.

    Height: Wall, projecting, or marquee signs: Shall not extend above the average roof level of one (1) story buildings more than ten (10) feet, and shall not extend above the average roof level of a two (2) or more story building.

    Detached sign: Thirty-five (35) feet


    1. The detached sign provided for a local shopping center or office park may have a two hundred (200) square foot main sign at the top which advertises the name of the shopping center or complex.

    2. The individual company advertising signs below the large sign naming the shopping center or complex are limited to sixty (60) square feet in size. The bottom of the lowest mounted individual company sign must be a minimum of ten (10) feet above the ground level.

    3. No sign shall extend over public property.

    4. Any detached sign shall be located no less than five (5) feet from any neighboring property line.

    5. Businesses in a shopping center or office park that does not have a main sign that advertises the complex on the street frontage are allowed to have a detached sign advertising their business next to the right-of-way. These signs must be at least forty (40) feet from any other sign advertising businesses in the complex when measured parallel to the street frontage. In this case, maximum sign size allowed is one hundred sixty (160) square feet.

    6. A moving message sign would be counted as either a wall sign, projecting sign, or detached sign, depending on where it is located.


    Highway billboard signs.


    The following specific regulations pertain to any sign located along the Highway 63 or Highway 6 highways within the city limits:


    Maximum size of two hundred eighty-eight (288) square feet per face.


    Two (2) back-to-back faces per sign only.


    Signs must be set back a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from right-of-way or from the adjoining side property line.


    Maximum height of billboards from grade elevation may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet.


    The spacing of signs shall be no closer than fourteen hundred (1,400) feet between each sign structure on the same side of the road.


    Signs may not be stacked one above another.


    Billboard signs may be placed only on land that is zoned as: C-3, CP-3, M-1, MP-1, M-2, MP-2, or HDCZ.


    No side-by-side signs shall be permitted.


    Signs cannot maintain flashing, intermittent, or moving lights or imitate or resemble an official traffic sign.


    To obtain a billboard sign permit from the city for a location along the Highway 63 or Highway 6 rights-of-way, the applicant must first bring a copy or proof of an approved sign permit from the Missouri Department of Transportation.


    Major corridor billboard signs.


    Areas in the city where billboards are allowed:


    South Baltimore Street, from Shepherd Avenue to the south city limits, where zoning permits.


    North Baltimore Street, from where Highway 6 goes west from Baltimore Street, North to the city limits, where zoning permits.


    Illinois Street, from Baltimore Street east to the city limits, where zoning permits.


    Shepherd Avenue from Baltimore Street east to the city limits, where zoning permits.


    Highway 6 from Baltimore Street west to the city limits, where zoning permits.


    Any location along Highway 63, where zoning permits.


    Billboard signs may be placed only on the street sections listed above AND on lots that are zoned as: C-3, CP-3, M-1, MP-1, M-2, MP-2, or HDCZ.


    Signs must be set back a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from the right-of-way or from the adjoining side property line.


    Maximum size of two hundred sixty (260) square feet per sign face, for locations that are NOT along Highway 63 or Highway 6.


    Two (2) back-to-back faces per sign only.


    Maximum height of billboards from grade elevation may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet.


    The spacing of signs that are more than two hundred (200) square feet per face shall be no closer than seven hundred fifty (750) feet between each sign structure on the same side of the road, for locations that are NOT along Highway 63 or Highway 6.


    The spacing of signs that are less than two hundred (200) square feet per face shall be no closer than two hundred (200) feet to any other sign structure on the same side of the road, for locations that are NOT along Highway 63 or Highway 6.


    No side-by-side signs shall be permitted.


    Billboard signs must meet all state laws and requirements per Missouri Department of Transportation regulations.


    Any current nonconforming billboard sign (not currently in a location that allows billboards, but had been grandfathered) located in the city limits may not be reconstructed or enlarged, have lighting added, height increased, etc. If the sign deteriorates to more than fifty (50) percent of its replacement cost, it may not be reconstructed and must be removed. If there is no advertising for a current business for a period of sixty (60) days or more, any grandfathering rights will be revoked and immediate removal of the billboard will be required. Any sign that remains blank for a continuous period of more than sixty (60) days is deemed abandoned and no longer a legal nonconforming sign. For purposes of this section, a sign is "blank" if:


    The advertising message it displays becomes illegible in whole or substantial part.


    No advertising copy is visible on the sign.


    The advertising copy promotes only the rental of the sign.

(Ord. No. 11970, § 1, 8-1-2011; Ord. No. 11979, § 1, 11-21-2011; Ord. No. 12231, 2-6-2017)