§ 6-17. Amendments.  

Latest version.
  • The following sections of the International Building Code adopted in section 6-16 above are hereby revised as follows:


    Section 101.1. Insert "City of Kirksville, Missouri".


    Section 105.3.3. Insert "By whom application is made: Any owner, or lessee of a building or structure, or the agent of either (including contractors or subcontractors), who desires to commence any activities described in section 105.1 for which a permit is required, shall first make application to the code official and obtain the required permit. It shall be the duty of each such person to determine that the required permit has been applied for and obtained prior to the commencement of any such work."


    Section 109.1.1. Insert "Building Permits: $8.50 minimum fee, plus $4.25 per thousand cost of construction. This permit fee will include all aspects of construction including electricity, plumbing, gas tests, heating and air conditioning for new construction. Remodeling Permits: $6.50 minimum fee, plus $3.75 per thousand cost of construction. This permit fee will include all aspects of remodeling for existing buildings, excluding gas inspection. Gas inspection: $13.00 per inspection visit; Electric inspection: $6.50 per inspection visit, except for new construction. Demolition permits for properties will be $50.00 for a residential house, $40.00 for a detached garage or accessory building, and $4.75 per thousand cost of demolition for a commercial building, with the minimum fee being $50.00. Fees for advertising signs are $4.25 per thousand of the cost of materials and labor combined."


    Section 114.4.1. Insert "Any person who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of an approved plan or directive of the code official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provision of this code, shall be guilty of an ordinance violation, punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00, or by imprisonment not exceeding 90 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense."


    Section 1608.2. amend, after CS in Figure 1608.2 "Ground snow loads for Kirksville, Missouri, shall be 25 pounds per square foot".


    Section 1612.3. Insert "City of Kirksville" and "February 4, 1981 respectively.




    Section 3306.5 and 3306.6. Delete existing text and insert the following:

    "Protection of Pedestrians


    Any construction or demolition site must provide protection to ensure that pedestrians do not unknowingly come onto a site where construction or demolition is taking place and be exposed to an area that has a fall hazard of greater than thirty inches (30″) in depth as described below.


    The protection of pedestrians or others that could fall into a hole or excavation of greater than thirty inches (30″) as described in paragraph b must be protected by enclosing the worksite or the fall hazard with a forty-eight inch (48″) nominal height plastic safety fencing. If the hazard area is a trench or smaller size hole, it may be covered with plywood or other wood-constructed covers that will support a 250 pound person, in lieu of the fencing.


    A hole or depression of thirty inches (30″) or more considered as a hazardous fall area is defined as: any change in level that is greater than thirty inches 30″ in height in a span or run of more than six inches (6″) and less than four feet (4′). A trench of six inches (6″) width or less, or a hole of six inches (6″) in diameter or less, does not require the guarding identified in this section.


    The safety fencing or wood protection must be in place on the site at the end of the working day. The end of the working day is defined as that time in which the contractor ceases work for the day, weekends and/or holidays recognized by the contractor. Any fencing used must be installed appropriately to remain upright and act as an effective barrier to pedestrian traffic.


    The General Contractor for a site, or the last Contractor to leave the site at the end of a work day, are jointly responsible for the identification of the hazard area and the installation and maintenance of the safety fencing or other protection devices.


    Persons who fail to maintain or to provide safety fencing or protection devices when required, during the construction or excavating process or when demolishing basements or trench lines that exceed thirty inches (30″) in depth as described above may be liable for penalties as provided for by law for such violation(s).


    Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be punished as provided in Section 1-7 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Kirksville."

(Code 1974, § 5-2; Ord. No. 10726, § 2, 8-4-86; Ord. No. 10805, § 1, 1-18-88; Ord. No. 10899, § 2, 1-15-90; Ord. No. 10967, §§ 1—3, 12-17-90; Ord. No. 11064, § 1, 12-21-92; Ord. No. 11280, § 2, 1-20-97; Ord. No. 11383, § 1, 4-19-99; Ord. No. 11474, § 1, 11-6-2000; Ord. No. 11556, § 1, 3-18-2002; Ord. No. 11619, § 2, 5-19-2003; Ord. No. 11891, 9-21-2009; Ord. No. 11894, § 1, 10-19-2009, eff. 11-1-2009; Ord. No. 12126, § 1, 9-15-2014; Ord. No. 12147 , § 1, 3-2-2015; Ord. No. 12190, § 1(2), 1-4-2016)