§ 5-14. Impoundment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Animals not licensed pursuant to this chapter or found not under restraint or abandoned, may be picked up and impounded by any police officer or animal control officer. Impoundment shall be in the animal shelter, or in any animal shelter designated by the city; provided that, such shelter is built and equipped to care for the animals in a humane manner.


    An ear tipped feral cat received by animal control, police officer, or local shelter (if they so approve) will be returned to a representative of the TNR program, if immediate veterinary care is required unless they are in violation of some other provision of these ordinances. Otherwise an ear tipped cat trapped, or caught by animal control or a police officer, shall be released on site.


    If the animal wears a license tag, or if the owner can by any other reasonable means be identified and located, the owner shall be notified by the animal control officer as soon as possible that the animal has been impounded.


    If the animal is not redeemed by the owner within seven (7) days after impoundment, the animal may be disposed of in one (1) of the following ways, but no other way:


    Euthanasia, using a method acceptable to the American Veterinary Medical Association;


    Release for adoption by a new owner who shows evidence of ability and intention to provide the animal with an appropriate home and humane care; provided that, no unspayed female dog or cat shall be released for adoption unless the spaying fee has been paid and a certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian certifying that the fee has been paid and that the dog or cat will be brought in for spaying within five (5) days, or if too young that it will be brought in for spaying at the age of six (6) months.


    The city designated animal shelter may establish an impoundment or adoption fee, and may also charge a boarding fee for any animal impounded, to be paid upon redeeming or adopting an animal. The city shall make available at the animal shelter, an information sheet outlining this chapter and any other information regarding the licensing of animals. A copy of such sheet shall be made available to every person redeeming or adopting such an animal.


    The intent of this chapter is to require animal owners to comply with the law, not merely to operate an impoundment program. Police officers and the animal control officers shall, therefore, place primary emphasis upon education/compliance, apprehending and initiating prosecution of violators.


    Volunteer participants, in the designated TNR program, are empowered to reclaim impounded feral cats without proof of ownership.

(Ord. No. 10811, § 1(X), 3-21-88; Ord. No. 12167 , § I, 8-17-2015)