§ 2-27. Procedure for passage.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    When the governing officer of the next city council meeting after an ordinance has been placed on the council's agenda reaches the ordinance on the agenda, the governing officer shall request the city clerk to read the ordinance.


    If copies of the proposed ordinance have been available for public inspection prior to the meeting, the proposed ordinance shall be read by title only, unless any one (1) or more councilmembers shall request that the proposed ordinance be read in its entirety, in which case the proposed ordinance shall be read in its entirety. If copies of the proposed ordinance have not been available for public inspection prior to the meeting, then the proposed ordinance shall be read in its entirety.


    After the proposed ordinance has been read, the governing officer shall ask for a motion on the ordinance and, after receiving a motion and a second, may proceed with the due deliberation of the same, and upon receiving a call for the question the councilmembers, mayor and mayor pro tem shall then vote on the ordinance and their votes shall be recorded by the city clerk, and if said ordinance receives a majority vote then the ordinance shall be deemed passed on the first reading.


    If the ordinance is deemed passed on the first reading then the governing officer shall request the city clerk to read the ordinance a second time.


    Upon a request for a second reading, the city clerk shall read the proposed ordinance by title only.


    After the second reading of the ordinance, the governing officer shall ask for a motion on the ordinance and, after receiving a motion and a second, may proceed with the due deliberation of the same, and upon receiving a call for the question the councilmembers, mayor and mayor pro tem shall then vote on the ordinance and their votes shall be recorded by the city clerk, and if said ordinance receives a majority vote then the ordinance shall be deemed passed on the second and final reading.


    After an ordinance is deemed passed on the first reading, any councilmember may move to defer the second reading of said ordinance to the next regular or specially scheduled city council meeting, and upon said motion and a second the council shall proceed with the due deliberation of said motion, and upon receiving a call for the question the councilmembers, mayor and mayor pro tem shall then vote on the motion and their votes shall be recorded by the city clerk, and upon receiving a majority vote upon said motion the second reading of the proposed ordinance shall be deferred to the next regular or specially scheduled city council meeting, at which time said ordinance shall be read a second time and acted upon in the manner otherwise provided for herein.


    Upon successful passage on the second and final reading the ordinance shall be signed by the mayor, or in his absence by the mayor pro tem or two (2) councilmembers, at which time said ordinance shall be in full force and effect unless the effective date of said ordinance shall be stated otherwise therein.

(Code 1974, § 2-3; Ord. No. 10624, § 2, 8-6-84; Ord. No. 10831, § 2, 8-15-88)