§ 2-3. Rules of procedure for meetings of council and all boards and commissions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The following rules of procedure will govern the conduct of all meetings of the city council and all boards and commission created by the Kirksville Code with memberships appointed by the city council. Except as otherwise provided by state law or local ordinance, meeting procedures delineated herein may be suspended by the consent of a majority of the city council, board or commission after having recorded the same in the official minutes of the meeting.

    Rule 1. The mayor, chairman or other duly authorized presiding officer, shall decide all questions of order. The presiding officer may seek counsel or other parliamentary advice and he/she considers appropriate in order to resolve procedural questions, but the final decision on points of order and meeting procedure shall rest with the chair.

    Rule 2. Except as otherwise required, public hearings shall be declared to be open by the chair once the chair determines that the legal requirements for convening the hearing have been met. The names of persons testifying at a public hearing shall be recorded in the minutes along with their address. Persons making comments at a hearing shall first be recognized by the chair, and shall address their comments to the members of the council, board or commission convening the hearing.

    Rule 3. Only procedural motions shall be permitted during a hearing. All other motions shall be out of order. Except as otherwise provided, public hearings shall be declared to be at an end by the chair once all persons wishing to speak or make other testimony have been given the opportunity to speak at least once or submit written comments. By a majority vote of the council, board or commission, any public hearing may be delayed, postponed or rescheduled to an alternate time or location. Council, board or commission action on an item that has been the subject of a public hearing may be taken at any time following the end of the hearing; it may occur immediately afterward, but need not occur at the same meeting.

    Rule 4. A roll call vote of yeas and nays, or a show of hands vote, shall be taken and recorded in the journal of the council, board or commission for all ordinances or propositions which shall create any liability against, or obligation upon, the city for the expenditure or appropriation of funds, and in all other instances where a request for same is made by any member of the council, board or commission.

    Rule 5. The published agenda of all meetings of the city council, city board or commission appointed by the city council, may be altered or suspended by a consensus vote or a majority vote of the council, board or commission present and voting, and having recorded the same in the official minutes of the meeting.

    Rule 6. Any item on the agenda of all meetings of the city council, board or commission appointed by the city council, shall be considered defeated if no motion is made to discuss the proposed item. If no motion is made after the presiding officer has called for a motion two (2) consecutive times, the proposal shall not be discussed at that meeting by the council, board or commission appointed by the city council.


    The general public shall be afforded an opportunity to address public meetings of the city council and other city boards and commissions. Except as provided herein, the council, as well as each board and commission, may establish their own rules governing the receipt of public comment. However, protracted, repetitive, irrelevant or abusive remarks from the public may be terminated or closed off at any time by the chair or other presiding officer.


    The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority and shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the city council, and boards and commissions appointed by the city council, in all cases where they are not inconsistent with Missouri Revised Statutes, or ordinances of the City of Kirksville, including this section.


    A quorum shall be required for any council, board or commission to take formal action. A council, board or commission may meet as a committee-of-the-whole in the absence of a quorum, but its proceedings shall not be binding and shall not constitute a meeting of the council, board of commission. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership of the council, board or commission duly elected or appointed.

(Ord. No. 11306, §§ 1—4, 8-18-97)