§ 25-43. Meter locations.  

Latest version.
  • Meters for all buildings, other than those defined in section 25-44, shall be installed as follows:


    The meter shall be placed in a meter pit/tile located along that portion of the customer's property line abutting the highway, street, alley or utility easement in which the water main lies, or as determined by the code administrator.


    Placement of a five-eighths ( 5/8 ) or three-fourths (¾) inch size meter within a meter tile shall comply with the installation specifications contained in Figure 1 [located at the end of this article].


    When multiple meters are placed in a meter tile, or meters larger than three-fourths (¾) inch are placed in a meter tile, they shall comply with the installation specifications contained in Figure 2 [located at the end of this article].


    Exceptions. If it is determined by the code administrator that meter placement within a meter tile is not feasible due to the likelihood of unreasonable accumulation of groundwater, the meter shall be located inside the building or structure to be served thereby, on the ground floor thereof, with the same minimum clearances as if located in a basement, as prescribed in section 25-44.

(Ord. No. 12227, § 4, 1-9-2017)