§ 25-38. Extraterritorial connections to city water mains.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The basic premises regarding growth outside the city limits as it relates to water service are identified below:


    There should be no subsidy by the city for rural developments.


    The city should encourage development to occur inside the city limits.


    Rural developments should bear one hundred (100) percent of their actual costs.


    The capacity of the water system and water supply is not limitless.


    The appearance of development outside the city does reflect on the city. Uncontrolled development nearby the city is not always to the city's benefit.


    The city should always seek voluntary annexation before considering connection to the water system.


    Water and sewer rates within the city should not be increased to handle a rural development project.


    As of the effective date of this article, the provisions of this section shall apply in the following instances:


    When any person or developer seeks to connect a customer service pipe to an existing city water main located outside the city limits.


    When any person or developer seeks to connect a customer service pipe which extends outside the city limits to a main located within the city limits.


    The plumbing for any building or tract located outside the city limits shall not be connected to a private water supply system where such private water supply system is a customer of the city's public water supply system. However, those connections shall be permitted in the case of existing private water supply systems which are a customer of the city's public water supply system as of the effective date of this article, and, if the private water supply system's customer service pipe is metered at the point of delivery from the city's public water supply system and only one (1) bill is rendered in connection therewith and is payable by the owner of the private water supply system.


    The following procedures shall be followed prior to the issuance of a permit to make the proposed connection:


    Applicant shall submit a written report on the use and occupancy of land within the proposed development.


    Applicant shall submit building plans for the proposed development which shall show compliance with the city plumbing and plumbing-related codes, ordinances and regulations which would apply in the event the development was within the city limits. The applicant shall also demonstrate written compliance with federal and state laws or regulations that affect the proposed development.


    Applicant shall submit a site plan which shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:


    Types of land uses for adjacent properties within five hundred (500) feet of applicant's property lines, including building locations and pertinent development data.


    Owner's name and address.


    Legal description of property.


    Costs of construction for development.


    Location of proposed connection to city water main.


    Proposed water meter location(s).


    The applicant shall have a water flow network analysis performed by an engineering firm that verifies the proposed connection will not negatively impact the existing water system and its customers. The final determination will be made by the city engineer of the applicant's impact on the water system.


    The applicant shall prepare the necessary deeds of dedication to the city for any rights-of-way, easements or water system components as determined by the city engineer.


    The applicant shall pay the required initial service connection as noted in the fee schedule published by the city, a copy of which is available at city hall during normal business hours, or on the city's website in addition to an amount equivalent to fifty (50) percent of the established building permit fee of the city and shall be paid by the applicant prior to making any service connections. Proper inspections must be made by the code administrator prior to making any service connections.


    Failure of an applicant for an extraterritorial connection to the water system to comply with the requirements above shall be grounds for the city to terminate the applicant's water service.


    As of the effective date of this article, no customer of the city shall allow another person or developer to connect to their customer service pipe or internal plumbing to avoid the requirements of this section. Any customer which allows the illegal connection to occur shall have their water service disconnected until such time as all above-described requirements have been complied with. The customer shall also pay any reconnection charges or expenses incurred by the city to disconnect service.


    No person or developer shall be allowed to extend a city main outside the city limits.

(Ord. No. 10911, § 2, 4-2-90; Ord. No. 12227, § 3, 1-9-2017)