§ 25-33. Street service pipes.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The city shall maintain the street service pipe up to, and including, the first stop box.


    The location of the street service pipe shall be along that portion of the customer's property abutting the highway, street, alley or utility easement in which the main lies, or as determined by the code administrator.


    The size of the street service pipe shall be determined by the code administrator on the basis of information given on the building or remodeling permit of the customer. No street service pipe smaller than three-fourths (¾) inch inside diameter shall be installed. The pipe from the main to the first stop box shall be Type K copper from three-fourths-inch to two (2) inches in diameter. Any pipe used that is greater than two (2) inches in diameter, not made of metal materials, must be accompanied by a metal tracer approved by the city engineer. All street service pipes shall be installed with a minimum cover of forty-eight (48) inches.


    The customer may contract with a plumber to install the street service pipe in accordance with the relevant plumbing code. The customer or his agent is responsible for notification to the code administrator for required inspections. The customer may also contract with the director of public works to install the street service pipe. If installed by the public works department, charges will be made for actual time, materials, and equipment used to complete the installation. If the public works department installs the street service pipe, the customer is responsible for notifying the code administrator for required inspections.


    No corporation cock shall be installed in any main to serve a premises where a corporation cock has been previously installed or water conveyed, for the purpose of giving an increased supply, without a permit. The corporation cock shall not be installed until the street service pipe previously installed is withdrawn by shutting off the corporation valve and removing a minimum of twelve (12) inches of the pipe starting at the corporation cock, all at the expense of the property owner. When water service is discontinued by removal or demolition of a building or other change in land use not requiring water service, the owners or agent shall have the street service pipe withdrawn by shutting off the corporation valve and removing a minimum of twelve (12) inches of the street service pipe starting at the corporation cock, all at the expense of the property owner. Where demolition occurs or in cases where new development is pending, the code administrator may vary the requirement to withdraw the street service pipe after determining the following:


    That the street service pipe, including all appurtenances, and the customer service pipe are of sufficient size, quality and condition to adequately service the new development; or,


    The withdrawal of the street service pipe would create excessive damage to city property.

(Ord. No. 10911, § 2, 4-2-90; Ord. No. 11642, § 4, 11-17-2003)