§ 25-100.2. Implementation.  

Latest version.
  • Stage One (Voluntary)

    Request voluntary water conservation efforts and compliance with the following restrictions:


    No washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios, or other paved areas; no pumping of fountain recirculating water.


    No refilling of swimming pools with water furnished by the city.


    No washing of cars, other motor vehicles, trailers, or boats.


    No water to be used for dust control.


    No flushing of mains by public works department personnel except to alleviate specific customer complaints.


    Upon public notification by news media, the public works department will curtail water usage according to the department's plan for such emergencies.

    If after the initiation of Stage One, weather conditions, expected trends in demand, or other factors indicate that the threat of a water shortage will continue, the additional provisions of Stage Two will be implemented.

    Stage Two (Voluntary)

    Stage One restrictions will remain in effect plus the following restrictions will also be requested:


    No use or discharge of water from a fire hydrant except for fighting fires.


    Watering of any lawn, garden, landscaped area, tree, shrub, or other plant shall be prohibited, except from a hand held hose or container, or drip irrigation system. Such watering shall be permitted only at times designated by the director of public works.


    Commercial and industrial users will be requested to reduce their water consumption by at least thirty (30) percent.

    If after the initiation of Stage Two, weather conditions, expected trends in demand, or other factors indicate that the threat of a water shortage will continue or worsen, or if a serious problem or system emergency should develop, the mandatory measures of Stage Three would be implemented.

    Stage Three (Mandatory)


    No washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios, or other paved areas, no pumping of fountain recirculating water.


    No refilling of swimming pools with water furnished by the city.


    No use of water for recreational uses such as water slides or yard play.


    No washing of cars, other motor vehicles, trailers, or boats except from a bucket. All commercial car washes shall be closed and remain closed until water emergency is over.


    No water to be used for dust control.


    No flushing of water mains by public works department personnel, except to alleviate specific customer complaints.


    No use of water from any fire hydrant except for fighting fires.


    Watering of any lawn, garden, landscaped areas, tree, shrub, or other plant shall be prohibited.


    It shall be mandatory that all large commercial and industrial users follow a previously submitted conservation plan for their operation which has been approved by the city public works department. A customer that fails to submit a conservation plan would be subject to the penalties of section 25-100.6 of this division.

    Rural water reseller(s) will be subject to shut off from water service in accordance with the water purification facility emergency operation plan, and the city's contract(s) with any rural water district or company.

    Depending upon the severity of the problem, the plan could revert back to Stage One or Two or be canceled as conditions improve.

(Ord. No. 11444, § I, 4-3-2000)