§ 23-96. Convention and tourism advisory board.

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Board established. Expenditures from the convention and tourism fund shall be made at the discretion of the not-for-profit organization, subject to review of the city council. To assist in exercising this discretion, a convention and tourism advisory board is hereby established.


    Membership. The convention and tourism advisory board shall consist of nine (9) members with two (2) members appointed by the city council, five (5) members appointed by the chamber of commerce, with at least three (3) of these members being from the hotel, motel or bed and breakfast industry within Kirksville; one (1) member appointed by the President of Truman State University and one (1) member appointed by the President of A. T. Still University. In the event no person from the Kirksville lodging establishment industry will accept a position on the board, then the requirement for three (3) appointees to be from the lodging establishment industry shall be declared void for that given year. In addition, the executive director of the Kirksville Area Chamber of Commerce shall serve as a nonvoting ex officio member. The executive director may designate another staff person to serve in his/her place as ex officio member.


    Term of office. The initial members of the board shall serve as follows: three (3) of the initial members of the board shall serve for a three-year term, three (3) of the initial board shall serve for a two-year term and three (3) of the initial members of the board shall serve for a one-year term. Thereafter, the appointed members of the board shall serve for three-year terms. The initial term shall commence on June 1, 2007. Prior to the expiration of each member's term of office, the city council and chamber of commerce shall appoint, as applicable, their successor to a two-year term. Except in the case of resignation or removal, members shall hold office until their successors are appointed.


    Dismissals. The city council may remove any member of the convention and tourism advisory board for misconduct or neglect of duty.


    Vacancies. Any vacancy in membership shall be filled for the unexpired term by the city council for a city appointee and by the chamber of commerce for a chamber of commerce appointee.


    Compensation. No member of the board shall receive compensation for his/her service.


    Officers and committees. The original members of the convention and tourism advisory board shall meet within thirty (30) days of their appointment and organize themselves by the election of one (1) of their number as chairman, another as vice-chairman and another as secretary/treasurer, and by the election of such other officers as they may deem necessary. Thereafter, new elections among the members of the convention and tourism advisory board for all officer positions shall occur annually during the month of June. The chairman, vice-chairman and secretary/treasurer of the convention and tourism advisory board shall function as an executive committee and the members of the convention and tourism advisory board may create such other committees as they deem necessary.


    Bylaws, rules and regulations. The convention and tourism advisory board shall make and adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the administration of the board as they may deem appropriate, but not inconsistent with the ordinances of the City of Kirksville or the statutes of the State of Missouri. The board shall follow all meeting notice requirements, and the taking of minutes, according to the Missouri Sunshine Law.


    Budget. The not-for-profit organization shall submit a proposed line item budget for the convention and tourism fund to the city council no later than November 1 of each year. The not-for-profit organization may submit, along with the budget, written recommendations including methods of promoting tourism and conventions such as employment of personnel and procurement of services through contractual relations. The city manager shall forward these recommendations along with his/her comments and recommendations to the city council for review and approval.


    Annual report. The convention and tourism advisory board shall be required to submit an annual report of its activities to the city council in February of each year.

(Ord. No. 11804, § 6, 8-7-2007; Ord. No. 11886, 8-3-2009)