§ 22-17. Contents of the plat.  

Latest version.
  • The plat of a minor subdivision shall contain the following:


    Boundary lines: Of the minor subdivision shall be shown on a survey prepared by a state registered land surveyor.


    Existing easements: Location, width and purpose.


    Existing streets: On and adjacent to the tract by name, right-of-way width, and location.


    Existing utilities: On and adjacent to the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles and streetlights.


    Other existing conditions: Watercourses, marshes, rock outcrop, wooded areas, dwellings, buildings, and other significant features.


    Topography: On datum plane approved by the plat officer contours at vertical intervals shall be shown as follows:


    Average slope less than six (6) percent two-foot-interval contour map.


    Average slope over six (6) percent five-foot-interval contour map.


    Title and certificates: Present tract designation, title or name, under which minor subdivision is to be recorded; names and addresses of owners; acreage, scale, north point, datum, benchmarks.


    Zoning: Showing existing zoning classification of the minor subdivision and adjacent area.


    Numbers: Consecutive numbers for each lot and/or block.


    Purpose of sites: Purpose for which sites other than residential lots are dedicated and reserved.


    Setback lines: Setback lines on all lots and other sites.


    Adjoining owners' names: Names of record owners of adjoining unplatted land.


    Reference to adjoining plats. Reference to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by book and page.


    Surveyor's certificate: Certification by state registered land surveyor as to accuracy of survey.


    Owner's certificate: Statement of owner certifying that he has title to the land being subdivided.


    Title, scale, north arrow and date: Title, scale, north arrow, and date.


    Signature block: Signature block for plat officer, mayor and city clerk.


    Records seal: An area at least five (5) inches wide by three (3) inches in height must be left blank at the upper right hand corner of the final plat or survey for the Adair County Recorder's seal and signature.

(Ord. No. 11367, 2-1-99; Ord. No. 11813, 11-6-2007)