§ 22-11. Contents of the preliminary plat.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The preliminary plat shall be accurately drawn and shall be at a scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet.


    The preliminary plat is for the purpose of determination by the city planning commission whether the proposed street and lot patterns and the proposed land use conform to the comprehensive plan and other policies and standards of the city. The preliminary plat shall contain notation of the availability and capacity of required water and sewer facilities. Detailed engineering studies of utilities are not required as part of the preliminary plat, but the design of the plat shall show that sanitary sewer, waterlines, and surface water disposal and other utilities can be installed in an efficient and economical manner.


    The preliminary plat shall contain the following:




    Boundary lines: Of major subdivision shall be shown on a survey prepared by a state registered land surveyor. Property lines of adjacent land within three hundred (300) feet shall be shown, but need not be determined by field survey.


    Existing easements: Location, width and purpose.


    Existing streets: On and adjacent to the tract by name, right-of-way width, location, type, and pavement width.


    Existing utilities: On and adjacent to the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric, cable television (CATV), and telephone poles and streetlights. If any of the above utilities are not available at the site, indicate the direction and distance to the nearest point of availability.


    Other existing conditions: Watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, dwellings, buildings, and other significant features.


    Subdivision signs, monuments; their location, fees, insurance, type of construction, and a statement of the owners intent to maintain: Subdivisions shall be permitted to be identified by means of monuments, statues, signs, etc. They may be located on private land or can be on public land if approved by city council. The location of said symbols shall be shown on the preliminary plat and on the final plat. The one-time fee for a monument or sign of any type is five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) if approved for the public right-of-way. This fee is intended to recover the city's cost if repairs or maintenance of the monument/sign is not performed in the future and it must be removed from the public right-of-way and the developers/owners of the subdivision are deceased or cannot be located. The fee is due and payable once city council approves the final plat for a new subdivision. The fee for a monument or sign placed on private property is two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). Any sign placed on private property must be on a full size residential lot meeting minimum size by city ordinance. All costs of erection and maintenance of the sign or monument shall be borne by the developers/owners if in the right-of-way, or the owner of the property if placed on private property. The city shall have the right to remove said monuments in the case of disrepair, need for public improvements, etc. Any costs incurred for said removal of a monument or sign shall be at the cost of the developer/owner if they are living and can be located. Monuments/signs may show only the name of the subdivision or area and cannot show information for advertising. All wording for the monument/sign must be approved by the city codes and planning director.


    Proposed public improvements: Highways, schools, or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract.


    Topography: On datum plane approved by the plat officer; contours at vertical intervals shall be shown as follows:


    Average slope less than six (6) percent two-foot-interval contour lines.


    Average slope over six (6) percent five-foot-interval contour lines.


    Title and certificates: Present tract designation, title or name, under which major subdivision is to be recorded; names and addresses of the owners, acreage, scale, north point, datum, benchmarks.


    The preliminary plat shall show proposed development including the following:


    Proposed streets: Street widths and approximate gradients.


    Easements: Location, width and purpose.


    Utilities: Location, type and approximate size; this information may be shown on a separate exhibit.


    Lots: Lot lines and spot dimensions.


    Sites (public): If any, to be dedicated or reserved for parks, playgrounds or other public uses.


    Sites (nonpublic): Shopping centers, churches, industry, multifamily dwellings or any other nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings.


    Site data: Including number of residential lots, typical lot size, area of public and nonpublic land uses.


    Zoning: Showing existing zoning classification of the major subdivision and adjacent area.


    The preliminary plat shall have a vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision in respect to city boundaries.

(Ord. No. 11367, 2-1-99; Ord. No. 12156 , § 1, 4-20-2015)