§ 21-57. Miscellaneous provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Compliance with laws. Each applicant shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws as well as city ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations heretofore and hereafter adopted or established.


    Applicant subject to other laws, police power.


    An applicant shall at all times be subject to all lawful exercise of the police powers of the city, including but not limited to all powers regarding zoning, supervision of the restoration of the right-of-way, and control of public rights-of-way.


    No action or omission of the city shall operate as a future waiver of any rights of the city under this article.


    Except where rights are expressly granted or waived by a permit, they are reserved, whether or not expressly enumerated. This article may be amended from time to time and in no event shall this article be considered a contract between the city and an applicant such that the city would be prohibited from amending any provision hereof.


    Indemnification. Applicant shall, at its sole cost and expense, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the city, its officials, boards, board members, commissions, commissioners, agents and employees against any and all claims, suits, causes of action, proceedings, and judgments, including reasonable attorney's fees for damage or equitable relief arising out of the construction and maintenance of the applicant's facilities work, except to the extent such claim, suit cause of action or proceedings, and judgments for damages or equitable relief arises out of the negligent or willful misconduct of the city, its officials, board members, agents or employees.


    Franchise not superseded. Nothing herein shall be deemed to relieve an applicant or the city of the provisions of an existing franchise, license, or other agreement or permit.


    Rights and remedies.


    The exercise of one (1) remedy under this article shall not foreclose use of another, nor shall the exercise of a remedy or the payment of damages or penalties relieve an applicant of its obligations to comply with its permits. Remedies may be used alone or in combination; in addition, the city may exercise any rights it has at law or equity.


    The city hereby reserves to itself the right to intervene in any suit, action or proceeding involving any provisions of this article.


    No applicant shall be relieved of its obligation to comply with any of the provisions of this article by reason of any failure of the city to enforce prompt compliance.


    Incorporation by reference. Any permit granted pursuant to this article shall by implication include a provision that shall incorporate by reference this article into such permit as fully as if copied therein verbatim.


    Force majeure. An applicant shall not be deemed in violation of provisions of this article where performance was rendered impossible by war or riots, civil disturbances, floods, or other natural catastrophes beyond the applicant's control, and a permit shall not be revoked or an applicant penalized for such noncompliance, provided that the applicant takes immediate and diligent steps to bring itself back into compliance and to comply as soon as possible under the circumstances with its permit without unduly endangering the health, safety, and integrity of the applicant's employees or property, the public, public rights-of-way, public property, or private property.


    Calculation of time. Unless otherwise indicated, when the performance or doing of any act, duty, matter, or payment is required under this article or any permit, and a period of time is prescribed and is fixed herein, the time shall be computed so as to exclude the first and include the last day of the prescribed or fixed period of time.


    Severability. If any term, condition, or provision of this article shall, to any extent, be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder hereof shall be valid in all other respects and continue to be effective. In the event of a subsequent change in applicable law so that the provision that has been held invalid is no longer invalid, said provisions shall thereupon return to full force and effect without further action by the city and shall thereafter be binding on the applicant and the city.


    Eminent domain. Nothing herein shall be deemed or construed to impair or affect, in any way or to any extent, any right the city may have to acquire the property of the applicant through the exercise of the power of eminent domain.


    Standards applicable to city. Any standards in this article relating to facilities work shall be fully applicable to work performance by the city and its departments.


    Rights in the event of abandonment. In the event that the governing body of the city closes or abandons any right-of-way which contains the facilities of the applicant installed hereunder, any land contained in such closed or abandoned right-of-way shall be subject to the rights of the applicant.


    Annexation. The provisions of this article shall specifically apply to any lands or property annexed as of the date of such annexation.


    Savings clause. Nothing contained herein shall in any manner be deemed or construed to alter, modify, supersede, supplement, or otherwise nullify any other ordinances of the city or requirements thereof, whether or not relating to in any manner connected with the subject written hereof, unless expressly provided otherwise herein or hereafter.


    Maintenance of mailboxes located on city streets and curbs. Citizens who erect custom mailboxes or who construct brick structures around mailboxes as an enclosure that are located in the city right-of-way along a street accept the responsibility for maintenance of the structure. Any damage done to a custom mailbox that is determined to be from a city vehicle striking the mailbox will be compensated at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) to the property owner, with the property owner providing any needed repairs or replacement. Any standard mailbox mounted on a post that is determined to have been damaged by a city vehicle will have the mailbox replaced by city employees to meet minimum postal service requirements. Damage to mailboxes that occurs due to heavy, wet, or windrowed snow will not be compensated by the City of Kirksville.







    Table of contents of technical specifications

    Title Page
    1. General requirements 2
    2. Excavation, trenching and backfill 5
    4. Restoration of surfaces 12
    6. Separation of water mains, sanitary sewers and storm sewer 15


    Note: Standard drawings for pavement repair are available at no cost from the engineering department, City of Kirksville.


    1.01  Summary of work.

    1.01.1 Work covered by these specifications

    The work covered by these specifications shall consist of any and all utility work performed or to be performed in, under, or through right-of-way, streets, or alleys owned by the City of Kirksville, including but not limited to water supply, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, telephone, fiber optic cable, gas pipelines, electrical conduit or conductors, cable television lines, and telecommunication facilities. It is to include repair of street cuts, required final grading, clean-up, disposal of surplus materials and seeding or sodding.

    1.01.2 Work sequence

    The PERMIT HOLDER, or his CONTRACTOR shall schedule his work to allow emergency vehicle access to public and private property at all times. Private drives and public streets and alleys shall be opened for use at the end of each work day.

    1.01.3 Permit holder use of premises

    The PERMIT HOLDER shall confine construction equipment, storage of materials and equipment, and operations or workers to areas within the public right-of-way and easements of record as indicated on the drawings or as directed by the ENGINEER. If PERMIT HOLDER proposes to use any private property for his use, he shall be solely responsible for making arrangements for such use with the property owner. The CITY shall not be liable for any damages caused by PERMIT HOLDER'S use of such property.

    1.01.4 Coordination with work by others

    The PERMIT HOLDER shall cooperate with CITY'S employees or others who may be working in the area of this work. He shall strive to coordinate his work to not interfere with the work of others unnecessarily. He will not be required to interrupt the progress of his operations materially to assure such coordination.

    1.02  Existing above ground and underground installation and structures.

    1.02.1 General

    Utility poles, pipe lines and other existing above ground and underground installations and structures in the vicinity of the work are to be indicated on the plans according to the best information available to the PERMIT HOLDER, CITY and ENGINEER.

    PERMIT HOLDER shall make every effort to protect such installations and structures. He shall contact the OWNERS of such installations and structures and prospect in advance of trench excavation. Any delays or extra cost to the PERMIT HOLDER caused by such installations and structures, whether shown on the plans or not, or found in locations different than those indicated, shall not constitute a claim against the CITY for extra work, additional payment or damages.

    Damage to existing above ground and underground installations or structures caused by the PERMIT HOLDER shall be repaired by the PERMIT HOLDER as directed by the OWNER of such installation or structure. The OWNER of such installation or structure shall be notified immediately of any such damage and repairs made as soon as possible to keep the interruption of service to a minimum. The PERMIT HOLDER shall bear any costs assessed because of such repairs and shall hold the CITY and ENGINEER harmless.

    1.03  Traffic control and safety.

    1.03.1 Maintenance of traffic

    The PERMIT HOLDER shall conduct his work as to interfere as little as possible with public travel, whether vehicular or pedestrian. Whenever it is necessary to cross, obstruct, or close roads, driveways and walks, whether public or private, the PERMIT HOLDER shall at his own expense provide and maintain suitable and safe bridges, detours or other temporary expedients for the accommodations of public and private travel, and shall give reasonable notice to OWNERS of private drives before interfering with them. Prior to interfering with the public travel in any way, the PERMIT HOLDER shall notify the police department with information as to the extent of the interference and the length of time of such interference.

    1.03.2 Barricades and lights

    All streets, roads, highways and other public thoroughfares which are closed to traffic shall be protected by means of effective barricades on which shall be placed acceptable warning signs. Barricades shall be located at the nearest intersecting public highway or street on each side of the blocked sections.

    All open trenches and other excavations shall be provided with suitable barriers, signs and lights to the extent that adequate protection is provided to the public. Obstructions, such as material piles and equipment, shall be provided with similar warning signs and lights. All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated by means of warning lights at night. All lights used for this purpose shall be kept burning from sunset to sunrise. Materials stored upon or alongside public streets shall be so placed, and the work at all times shall be so conducted, as to cause the minimum obstructions and inconvenience to the traveling public.

    All barricades, signs, lights and other protective devices shall be installed and maintained in conformity with the manual of uniform traffic control devices and applicable statutory requirements, and where within highway rights-of-way, as required by the authority having jurisdiction there over.

    1.04  Shop drawings.

    1.04.1 General

    Shop drawing or manufacturer's literature shall be required for water distribution systems for the following items: Pipe and fittings, valves, and fire hydrant assemblies if not purchased from City of Kirksville. Material certification may be required on all other materials used in the installation of work in the city's rights-of-way.

    1.05  Backfill.

    1.05.1 General

    There is no ordinary backfill in work performed in city right-of-way. All backfill will be ninety (90) percent or ninety-five (95) percent compacted as required by the specifications.


    2.01  General.

    This specification covers excavation and trenching and backfilling work and shall include the necessary clearing, grubbing and preparation of the site, removal of improvements; removal and disposal of all debris; excavation and trenching as required; the handling, storage, transportation and disposal of all excavated material; all necessary sheeting, shoring, and protection work; preparation of subgrades; pumping and dewatering as necessary or required; protection of adjacent property; backfilling; pipe embedment; surfacing and grading; and other appurtenant work.

    Excavation, trenching and backfilling work shall be performed in a safe and proper manner, with suitable precautions being taken against hazards of every kind. Excavation shall provide adequate working space and clearance for the work to be performed therein.

    No backfill, fill or embankment materials shall be installed on frozen surfaces, nor shall frozen materials, snow or ice be placed in any backfill, fill, or embankments.

    2.02  Classification of excavated materials.

    No classification of excavated materials will be made. Excavation and trenching work shall include the removal and subsequent handling of all materials excavated or otherwise removed in performance of the contract work, regardless of the type, character, composition, or condition thereof.

    2.03  Removal of water.

    The PERMIT HOLDER shall provide and maintain adequate dewatering equipment to remove and dispose of all surface and ground water entering excavations, trenches, or other parts of the work. Each excavation shall be kept dry during subgrade preparation and continually thereafter until the pipe line to be installed therein is completed to the extent that no damage from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other causes will result.

    Surface water shall be diverted or otherwise prevented from entering excavated areas or trenches, to the greatest extend practicable without causing damage to adjacent property.

    2.04  Sheeting and shoring.

    Except where banks are cut back on a stable slope, excavation for structures and trenches shall be properly and substantially sheet braced, and shored, as necessary, to prevent caving or sliding, to provide protection for workmen and the work, and to provide protection for existing structures and facilities. Sheeting, bracing, and shoring shall be designed and built to withstand all loads that might be caused by earth movement or pressure, and shall be rigid, maintaining its shape and position under all circumstances.

    2.05  Stabilization.

    Trench bottoms shall be firm, dense, and thoroughly compacted and consolidated; shall be free from mud and muck; and shall be sufficiently stable to remain firm and intact under the feet of the workmen.

    Trench bottoms which are otherwise solid shall be reinforced with one (1) or more layers of crushed stone embedded therein. Not more than ½ inch depth of mud or muck shall be allowed to remain on stabilized trench bottoms when the pipe bedding material is placed thereon.

    All stabilization work hereunder shall be performed by and at the expense of the PERMIT HOLDER.

    2.06  Trench excavation.

    Except where "knifing," boring or tunneling is shown on the plans, is specified, or is permitted by the ENGINEER, all trench excavation shall be open cut from the surface.

    The PERMIT HOLDER shall not open more trench in advance of pipe laying than is necessary to expedite the work. In the event that pipe laying is stopped for any cause, one hundred (100) feet shall be the maximum length of open trench permitted on any line under construction.

    2.07  Alignment and grade.

    2.07.1 Alignment and grade-water mains

    The alignment and grade or elevation of each pipe line at highway and railroad crossing and other critical points shall be fixed as determined by means of offset stakes to be set by the PERMIT HOLDER. At other locations, line stakes will be furnished and set by PERMIT HOLDER. Pipe is to be laid with 3.5 feet minimum cover with straight sections laid in a straight alignment and curved sections laid at an approximate uniform rate of curvature. Vertical and horizontal alignment of pipes, and the maximum joint deflection used in connection therewith, shall be in conformity with the requirements of the specification covering the installation of the pipe being laid in each case.

    2.07.2 Alignment and grade-sewer

    Pipe shall be laid true to line and grade as shown on drawings prepared by licensed engineer. Each section of pipe shall rest upon the pipe bed for the full length of the barrel with recesses excavated to accommodate bell joints. Any pipe that has its grade alignment or joint disturbed after laying shall be taken up and relaid. Under no circumstances shall pipe be laid in water or when weather or trench conditions are unsuitable for such work in the opinion of the ENGINEER.

    Sewer mains shall be laid on a uniform grade, and at a uniform (straight) alignment between manholes. All changes in grade and or alignment shall be made only at a manhole.

    Sewer service laterals shall be laid at uniform grade and alignment. Clean-outs shall be provided at any change in grade or alignment of over forty-five (45°) angle. No change in grade or alignment shall be permitted in that portion of a service lateral passing under a city street.

    2.07.3 Alignment and grade-natural gas pipelines

    Natural gas pipelines laid in the city right-of-way shall be laid in a straight alignment parallel or perpendicular to the street centerline to the extent possible. Natural gas transmission lines shall be placed at depths specified by DOT/MPSC Part 192.

    Nonmetallic lines shall be buried with metallic locator wires or tape which will permit accurate location of said lines from the surface with normal magnetic locator devices.

    Any line passing under a city street shall be buried at a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches below the street surface.

    2.07.4 Alignment and grade-telecommunications lines

    Telecommunication lines buried in the city right-of-way shall be laid in a straight alignment parallel to or perpendicular to the street centerline to the extent possible. Local service lines shall be buried a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches. Trunk lines and fibre optic lines shall be buried at a minimum depth of thirty-six (36) inches. Any line passing under a city street shall be buried at a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches below the street surface.

    2.07.5 Alignment and grade-underground electric transmission lines

    Electric transmission lines buried in the city right-of-way shall be laid in a straight alignment parallel to or perpendicular to the street centerline to the extent possible. Electric transmission lines shall be buried at a minimum depth of thirty-six (36) inches.

    2.08  Trench widths and pipe clearances

    Trenches shall be excavated to a width which will provide adequate working space and pipe clearances for proper pipe installation, jointing and embedment. However, the maximum trench "bottom" width shall be nominal inside pipe diameter plus twenty-four (24) inches.

    Minimum trench widths shall be such as to give minimum of six (6) inch clearance between trench walls and exterior of pipe for water and sewer mains. Minimum trench width for natural gas pipelines, conduit for electrical and telecommunication cables, and fibre optic lines shall be as specified by the engineer of record for the utility installing such facilities.

    The stipulated minimum clearances are not minimum average clearances, but are minimum clear distances which will be permitted between the pipe as laid and any part, projection or point of rock, shale, stone or boulder.

    Where for any reason, the width of the lower portion of the trench as excavated at any point exceeds the maximum permitted, either pipe of adequate strength, special pipe embedment, as required by loading conditions and as determined by the ENGINEER, shall be furnished and installed by and at the expense of the PERMIT HOLDER.

    2.09  Mechanical excavation.

    Mechanical equipment used for trench excavation shall be of a type, design, and construction, and shall be so operated, that the rough trench excavation bottom elevation can be controlled, that uniform trench widths and vertical side walls are obtained at least from an elevation one (1) foot above the top of the installed pipe to the bottom of the trench, and that the trench alignment is such that the pipe when accurately laid to specified alignment will be centered in the trench with adequate clearance between the pipe and side walls of the trench. Undercutting of the trench side wall to obtain clearance will not be permitted.

    2.10  Subgrade preparation.

    Except where otherwise required, pipe trenches shall be excavated below pipe subgrade elevations, as required to provide for the installation of granular fill pipe foundation material.

    Whenever required by soft foundations, the PERMIT HOLDER shall excavate to such depth below grade as necessary and the trench bottom shall be brought to grade with granular fill.

    Bell holes shall provide adequate clearance for the tools and methods used in installing the pipe. No part of any bell or coupling shall be in contact with the trench bottom, trench walls or granular fill when the pipe is jointed.

    2.11  Pipe embedment.

    Granular fill material shall be used as shown on the detail plans. Granular fill may be crushed rock or gravel, and shall meet the requirements for type 2 aggregate for base, gradation b, Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. For water mains the granular fill shall be placed under and around the pipe up to a level halfway between the center of the pipe (spring line) and the top of the pipe barrel. For sewer lines granular fill shall be placed under and around the pipe up to an elevation at least twelve (12) inches above the barrel of the pipe. Natural gas lines may be directly bedded, without granular fill, if so directed by the engineer of record for the installing natural gas utility. Granular fill material shall be placed in a manner as to provide uniform and continuous support and shall not disturb alignment of the pipe during placement.

    Succeeding layers of backfill above those described shall be placed as described in the following paragraphs.

    2.12  Backfill.

    2.12.1 Ordinary backfill

    There shall be no ordinary backfill in this work.

    2.12.2 Ninety (90) percent compacted backfill. Ninety (90) percent compaction will be required where the line passes under lawns, pasture, and within the street right-of-way.

    The average density of the trench backfill shall be ninety (90) percent of maximum density. Material shall be placed in lifts as required for adequate compaction with variations in lift thickness depending on soil and on method of compaction. Completed backfill shall have no less than ninety (90) percent density in the top 2.5 feet in backfill, excluding the top few inches to be used as seed bed or for bedding sod.

    Compaction may be by hand tamping, tamping machine, or other methods approved by the ENGINEER. PERMIT HOLDER will prepare test pits for sampling and testing and evaluation of compaction procedures.

    2.12.3 Ninety-five (95) percent compacted backfill. Ninety-five (95) percent compaction will typically be required under streets, driveways, and walkways.

    Placement of material and compaction for ninety-five (95) percent compacted backfill shall be as described above for ninety (90) percent compacted backfill except a minimum of ninety-five (95) percent of maximum density must be maintained throughout the backfill.

    2.12.4 Standard compaction and field density tests

    Wherever the terms " ____________ % of maximum density" or "optimum moisture" are used, maximum density and optimum moisture shall be determined by the standard compaction test as defined by ASTM D698.

    Field density test: Field density shall be obtained using the sand cone method (ASTM D1556), by the balloon method (ASTM D2167), or nuclear density gauge (ASTM D2922). The calculated density obtained in this test is divided by the maximum density as determined by the standard compaction test to determine the percent compaction obtained.

    2.12.5 Responsibility of PERMIT HOLDER for backfill settlement

    Where ninety (90) percent and ninety-five (95) percent compaction is called for, the PERMIT HOLDER shall be responsible financially, and otherwise, for a period of one (1) year after completion of work, for (a) all settlement of trench and other backfill which may occur from time of original backfilling, (b) the refilling and repair of all backfill settlement and the repair or replacement to the original or a better condition of all pavement, top surfacing, driveways, walks, surface structures, utilities, drainage facilities, and sod which have been damaged as a result of backfill settlement or which have been removed or destroyed in connection with backfill replacement operations, and (c) all damage claims or court actions against the CITY for any damage directly or indirectly caused by backfill settlement.

    The PERMIT HOLDER shall make, or cause to be made, all necessary backfill replacements, and repairs or replacements appurtenant thereto, within thirty (30) days after due notification by the ENGINEER or CITY.

    2.13  Drainage maintenance.

    Trenches across roadways or driveways adjacent to drainage ditches of water courses shall not be backfilled prior to the completion of backfilling of the trench on the upstream side of the roadway to prevent the impounding of water after the pipe has been laid. Bridges and other temporary structures required to maintain traffic across such unfilled trenches shall be constructed and maintained by the PERMIT HOLDER. Backfilling shall be done so that water will not accumulate in unfilled or partially filled trenches. All material deposited in roadway ditches or other water courses crossed by the line of trench shall be removed immediately after backfilling is completed and the section grades and contours of ditches or water courses shall be restored to their original condition. Surface drainage shall not be obstructed longer than necessary.

    2.14  Disposal of excess excavated material.

    All excess excavated materials shall be disposed of away from the site of the work. The PERMIT HOLDER shall be responsible for locating areas for disposal of such materials.

    Excavated rock in excess of the amount permitted to be and actually installed in trench backfill, junk, and debris encountered in excavation work, and other similar waste material shall be disposed of away from the site of the work.


    4.01  General.

    The PERMIT HOLDER shall restore all surfaces equal to or better than its original condition unless otherwise specified. Restoration includes pavement, sidewalks, alleys, lawns, etc.

    4.02  Seeding, fertilizing and mulching.

    Seeding and fertilizing is required where any utility excavation crosses established lawns, pasture land or right-of-way of the city or in other areas regularly grassed and mowed.

    After shaping and dressing of areas to be seeded have been completed, a commercial fertilizer, grade 10-10-10, shall be applied at a rate of not less than one thousand (1,000) pound per acre. The area shall be prepared to receive the seed mixture by using a disc spiker or other suitable implement. Seed shall then be spread at the specified rate by drill, by hand seeder, by brillion seeder, or by other approved seeders. Seeding shall not be done during windy weather, or when the ground is frozen, muddy or otherwise in a nontillable condition.

    An established grass cover shall be provided on all areas requiring seeding. Irrigation, mulching, mowing and any other operation necessary to provide an acceptable grass cover shall be provided by the PERMIT HOLDER at no additional cost to the CITY.

    Seed shall be applied at the rate of eighty (80) pounds per acre. The seed shall be composed of a mixture of forty (40) percent blue grass, forty (40) percent creeping fescue, twenty (20) percent perennial rye grass. Seeded areas shall be mulched with straw at a rate of 1.5 tons per acre.

    The PERMIT HOLDER, at his option and at no additional cost to the city, may provide sod as specified herein in lieu of seeding in any or all areas required to be seeded.

    4.03  Street, driveway, alley and sidewalk repairs.

    4.03.1 Crushed stone surface six (6) inches of compacted stone base meeting Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, Section 1007.1, Type 1 Aggregate, is to be placed over cut portion of street or alley.

    4.03.2 Concrete, asphaltic concrete and other asphaltic surfaces—All materials used shall conform to City of Kirksville specifications for such use.

    All pavement is to be saw cut prior to removal. Repairs to streets, driveway, and alleys disturbed by work in city right-of-way are to be made as follows:

    a. New pavement shall have a width of at least twelve (12) inches greater than the trench width. Each repair area in concrete or asphalt streets shall be first cut on each side for the full depth with a concrete saw. The material shall be removed so that no damage occurs to the surrounding pavement. If any damage occurs to the surrounding pavement, then the damaged areas will be removed.

    b. For concrete pavements, the concrete thickness of the repair shall be at least eight (8) inches. Reinforcement shall be placed with #4 bars at twelve (12) inches o.c., transverse and a minimum of three (3) #4 bars longitudinal. Concrete used for repair shall meet Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction for Pavement Concrete (501.2.2) and shall have a minimum cement content of 6.5 bags per cubic yard, a maximum slump of two and one-half (2½) inches, and a minimum compressive strength of four thousand (4,000) psi at twenty-eight (28) days.

    c. For full depth asphaltic concrete pavements, the asphalt thickness of the repair shall be at least twelve (12) inches. Replace the pavement with hot-mix asphalt and compact thoroughly in lifts not to exceed four (4) inches each hot-mix asphalt shall be of a commercial mix design equivalent to Missouri Standard Specification Type I-C. (403.3)

    d. For other asphalt surfaces, the thickness shall be at least ten (10) inches, consisting of six (6) inches of rolled stone base (MoDOT Type 1 or Type 3) compacted to one hundred (100) percent of maximum dry density, and four (4) inches of thoroughly compacted bituminous surfacing layer consisting of an approved commercial asphalt-aggregate mixture. (Cold-mix)

    e. The top of all pavement repairs shall be flush with the existing pavement.

    f. Curbs and gutters to be replaced as required to match existing. Curbs and gutters are to be constructed of pavement concrete (6.5 bag mix).

    4.03.3. Sidewalks shall be replaced over the entire width and to the nearest joints. The concrete thickness shall be at least four (4) inches placed over a four (4) inch thick rolled stone base. Reinforcement shall be placed two (2) inches below the surface and shall be 6 × 6-10-10/WWF. Concrete used for sidewalk repair shall be equivalent to MoDOT Class B concrete, and shall have a minimum cement content of six (6) bags per cubic yard, and a maximum slump of four (4) inches.

    4.03.4 Brick street repair. Streets with exposed brick surfaces shall not be saw cut. Brick surface will be removed by hand to the extent required to prevent damage during excavation. Pavers shall be salvaged, and reused for final repair. Pavers not salvaged shall be replaced at the PERMIT HOLDER'S expense. Brick streets shall first be repaired as concrete streets, with the surface of the concrete held six (6) inches below the finished brick surface. A two-inch bed of masons sand shall be placed on the cured concrete, and bricks shall be relaid, by hand, in a pattern matching the street surface. Clean masons sand shall be swept into all joints.


    6.01  Parallel installation.

    Water mains shall be laid at least ten (10) feet horizontally from any existing or proposed sewer. The distance shall be measured edge to edge.

    6.02  Crossings.

    Water mains crossing sewers shall be laid to provide a minimum vertical clear distance of eighteen (18) inches between the outside of the water main and the outside of the sewer. This shall be the case where the water main is either above or below the sewer. At crossings, the full length of water pipe shall be located so both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible.

    6.03  Exception.

    The Missouri Department of Natural Resources must specifically approve any variance from the requirements of sections 8.1 and 8.2 when it is impossible to obtain the specified separation distances. The engineer shall request any such variance after all other remedies have been evaluated.

    6.04  Sewer manholes.

    No waterline shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to any part of a sewer manhole.





    Worker's compensation: The coverage must include employer's liability with a minimum limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for each accident and cover all employees meeting statutory limits in compliance with the applicable state and federal laws.


    Comprehensive general liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage liability. This shall include: premises and operations, independent contractors, products and completed operations, broad form property damage and XCU coverage, and a contractual liability endorsement.


    Business auto liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage liability, including owned, hired, and nonowned vehicles and employee nonownership.



    The City of Kirksville is to be included as an additional insured on both the comprehensive general, business auto liability and builders' risk policies.


    An appropriate hold harmless clause shall be included.


    Current, valid insurance policies meeting the requirement herein identified shall be maintained during the duration of the named project. Renewal certificates or cancellation notices shall be sent to the city thirty (30) days prior to any expiration date.


    It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to insure that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements that he is required to meet.


    Certificates of insurance meeting the required insurance provisions shall be forwarded to the office of risk management.

    Effective 7/86 Revised 7/90, 4/97

(Ord. No. 11386, 5-3-99; Ord. No. 12149 , § 6, 3-16-2015)