§ 16-9. Fines.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Due consideration; uniform, etc. system of fines and penalties. The judge shall give due consideration in each instance and case before the court. Upon a plea or finding of guilty, where the severity of the offense requires, a uniform, graduated and progressive system of fines and penalties shall be used in assessing punishment against the defendant so charged, besides any court and incidental costs charged therein.


    Contempt of court. The associate circuit judge hearing cases involving violations of municipal ordinances shall have the power to fine any person appearing before the court as a defendant, complainant, witness or in any other capacity to be in contempt of such court for any behavior, action, derogatory remarks, etc., directed at the court, complainant, witness or the judge of such court.

(Ord. No. 11171, § 9, 1-23-95)