§ 14-168. Register to be kept.  

Latest version.
  • Every pawnbroker or secondhand dealer shall keep at his place of business a clean and legible register in which he shall enter in writing, a detailed description of all tangible personal property taken, purchased or received, including any number that may be in or upon any article, together with the time and date, and a complete description of the person leaving or selling the property, giving his name, age, nationality, sex, color of eyes and hair; height, weight, physical defects, and his place of residence including street and number. In the event any article is thereafter sold, a like register shall be kept giving a detailed description of the article sold, together with the time and date and a description of the person to whom such article was sold, giving his name, age, nationality, sex, color of eyes and hair, height, weight, physical defects and his place of residence including street and number. The amount loaned or the amount for which any article is sold or purchased, as the case may be, shall also be entered into the register. All entries shall be made within one (1) hour after the receipt or purchase of the property or within one (1) hour after the sale of the property, as the case may be, and shall be made in ink, and shall not in any manner be erased, obliterated or defaced.

(Ord. No. 10752, § 2, 1-19-87)