§ 14-25. Persons authorized to inspect; authority of inspectors; reports of inspectors.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Persons authorized to make inspections. The following persons are authorized to conduct inspections in the manner prescribed herein:


    The city clerk shall make all investigations reasonably necessary to the enforcement of this article, including the auditing and checking of all books and records of any licensed business.


    All police officers shall inspect and examine businesses located within their respective jurisdictions to enforce compliance with this article, when so directed by the city clerk.


    Authority of inspectors. The city clerk and all police officers shall be authorized herein to inspect persons, licensees and businesses. The city clerk and all police officers may request any person observed in the act of selling or peddling for such person's identification and the city license. All authorized deputies shall have the authority to enter, at all times, the following premises:


    Those premises for which a license is required.


    Those premises for which a license was issued and which, at the time of inspection, is operating under such a license.


    Those premises for which the business is operating under a revoked license or the licensee is in noncompliance with this article.


    Reports—Generally. Persons inspecting licensees, persons, their businesses or premises as herein authorized shall report all violations of this article or other laws or ordinances to the city clerk and shall submit such other reports as the city clerk or the city council shall order.

(Ord. No. 11950 § 1, 2-7-2011)