§ 13-17. Establishing the housing rehabilitation plan and grant guidelines.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of the rehabilitation program is to correct code violations, overcrowded or unsanitary conditions and to improve the housing and living environment for persons of low to moderate income levels living in the City of Kirksville, Adair County, Missouri.


    General objectives.


    The program is devised to preserve and improve the city's present housing stock.


    Low to moderate income families, as hereinafter defined in Chapter 2. Definitions of the City of Kirksville, Missouri CDBG Housing Program Guidelines will receive rehabilitation work.


    A quarterly review of the program shall be conducted to determine if changes or refinements are needed.


    City codes will be followed in all work performed and in the installation of all materials.


    All work will be done by qualified and licensed contractors except as otherwise provided for approved, owner performed work.


    Grants are limited to one (1) per property.


    The program will encompass the target area as outlined in the Community Development Block Grant Award.


    The affordable housing board shall be responsible for the making of all decisions as to the method used in rehabilitating the property.


    Competitive bids shall be let on each project and the lowest responsible contractor shall be selected, subject to approval of the affordable housing board. Minority contractors may receive negotiated bids, if approved by the affordable housing board, in accordance with CDBG regulations.


    Inspections of the work shall be made to insure that it fulfills the terms of the grant and contract agreement before payment is submitted.


    City council members, affordable housing board members, city employees and city officers shall not be eligible for grant assistance, contracts or subcontracts for any work, or may not have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in any contract under this project.




    This is a voluntary program. All interested persons must make application before any action can be taken.


    Applicants who qualify will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. An emergency situation will receive priority. All decisions pertaining to emergencies and program qualification will be made by the affordable housing board.


    A complete house inspection will he made by the program housing inspector. A deficiency list will be prepared and submitted to the property owner. A work write-up will be prepared, as well as a cost estimate.


    All items on the work write-up, as well as other pertinent information, will be discussed with the owner, affordable housing board, and contractor before a contract is signed.

(Ord. No. 11416, § 3, 11-1-99; Ord. No. 11565, § 2, 4-15-2002)