§ 13-16. An affordable housing board created.  

Latest version.
  • There is hereby created and established an affordable housing board (hereinafter called the board) to serve the Governing Body of the City of Kirksville, which board shall have the functions, duties, and authority prescribed herein.


    Membership and vacancies. The board shall consist of five (5) members to be appointed by the city council and to serve without compensation. All members shall be residents of the city. The terms of the members of the board shall be three (3) years, with the initial members of the board serving through the duration of the city's 1996 State Community Development Block Grant, No. 96-ND-10. The successors of the members so appointed shall each be appointed annually in May, for a term of three (3) years. All vacancies occurring in the affordable housing board shall be filled by appointment of the city council for the remaining portion of the term of the position so vacated.


    Officers. The board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman.


    Meetings and records. The board shall determine meeting times and places. Special meetings may be held on the call of the chairman. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board shall cause a proper record to be kept of its proceedings.


    Functions, duties, and authority. The board shall have the following functions, duties, and authority:


    Serve as a citizens advisory group for affordable housing related to community development applications to the state CDBG program.


    Receive and process applications for housing rehabilitation grants.


    Examine bids and contracts for housing rehabilitation and make recommendations to the city council.


    Approve final inspections of housing rehabilitation work and recommend payments to be made to the contractor by the city.


    Recommend policy and other changes in program guidelines to the city council.


    Authorize change orders to work in progress, which authorization shall be subject to appeal in the manner hereinafter set forth in paragraph g.


    Have decision-making authority concerning repair of existing housing, provided however, that the owner of any house who disputes any such decision made by the board may appeal such decision to the city council. If such appeal is made in writing and filed with the city clerk within fifteen (15) days after the board's decision is made. Upon receipt of such notice of appeal, the city council shall set a time and place for a hearing on the appeal and shall give said owner written notice thereof. At such hearing said owners shall be given an opportunity to be heard and show cause why the board's decision should be modified or overruled. Upon hearing the evidence and testimony presented at such hearing, the city council shall issue its order either sustaining, modifying, or overruling the board's decision, which order shall be reduced to writing and mailed to said owner, at his last known address, within fifteen (15) days after the date of the hearing.


    Serve as the fair housing board.


    Recommend affordable housing efforts to the city council.

(Ord. No. 11416, § 1, 11-1-99; Ord. No. 11565, § 1, 4-15-2002)