§ Five. -  

Latest version.
  • The city reserves the right to revoke this franchise, and all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto, in the event that the franchise becomes insolvent or is judged to be unable to pay its lawful debts, is adjudged to be bankrupt by a court of competent jurisdiction, the franchisee abandons the system, or if the franchisee willfully violates any material provisions of this ordinance, the city's Right-of-Way Management ordinance, or is found to have practices fraud in the city. Revocation and termination proceedings shall be commenced at a public hearing affording due process within sixty (60) days from the franchisee's receipt of written notification from the city that there is sufficient cause for franchise revocation. At the hearing, the City Council may grant up to sixty (60) additional days for the franchisee to correct problems identified at the hearing, or it may proceed immediately to act, by ordinance, on the revocation of the franchise.