§ 1. [Grant of franchise.]
§ 2. [Facilities, installation and maintenance.]
§ 3. [Tree trimming.]
§ 4. [Devolution of authority, obligations.]
§ 5. [Acceptance, filing.]
§ 6. [Term.]
§ 7. [Scope of ordinance.]
§ 8. [Repeal of conflict.]
§ 9. [Use of public right-of-way.]
§ 10. [Permit requirements.]
§ 11. [Severability.]
§ 12. [Administrative and customer service office.]
§ 13. [Evidence of insurance.]
§ 14. [Effective date.]

An ordinance renewing an existing franchise and granting for a period of twenty (20) years to Union Electric Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, the franchise, right, permission and authority to construct, reconstruct, excavate for, place, maintain, operate, and use its poles, towers, wires, conduits, conductors, manholes, underground vaults, and other equipment, and appliances in connection therewith, in, along, across, over and under the streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks, squares, bridges, and other public places in the City of Kirksville and areas dedicated to the city for public utility use, for the purpose of transmitting, furnishing and distributing electricity for light, heat, power and other purposes within and through said city, prescribing the terms and conditions of such grant, imposing certain obligations upon the grantee, its successors and assigns, successively, in connection therewith.

Be it ordained by the city council of the City of Kirksville, Missouri, as follows: