§ 3. [Conditions.]  

Latest version.
  • In all cases, the provisions of the city's Right-of-Way Management Ordinance shall be superior to the provisions of this franchise agreement and the rights granted herein. In the use, opening and restorations of the Grantor's public rights-of-way, easements and thoroughfares, the grantee shall comply with all provisions of the city's Right-of-Way Management Ordinance, the technical specifications attached thereto, and the permitting and inspection provisions contained therein, as if fully set forth in this agreement.

    The city, in and through its management of the public rights-of-way, shall enact laws and regulations which shall minimize conflicts with existing and future gas mains caused by the installation and/or maintenance of electric conduits, TV and other telecommunications cables, water lines, storm and sanitary sewer lines, street construction, sidewalks and other public improvements. However, the grantee acknowledges that when conflicts with street and storm sewer construction, maintenance and reconstruction, within public right-of-ways, undertaken by the Grantor require the relocation of gas mains and other appurtenances of the grantee, then the grantee shall make the necessary relocation of gas mains and other system appurtenances at no cost to the City of Kirksville, Missouri.