§ 1. [Grant of franchise.]
§ 2. [Right to use streets, alleys, etc.]
§ 3. [Conditions.]
§ 4. [Indemnification.]
§ 5. [Regulations; rates.]
§ 6. [Information to be supplied to city.]
§ 7. [Term.]
§ 8. [Acceptance.]
§ 9. [Fees.]
§ 10. [Transfer or assignment.]
§ 11. [Sufficient pressure to be maintained.]
§ 12. [Severability.]
§ 13. [Revocation.]


An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Kirksville, Missouri, Providing for the Repeal of Appendix C, Article II, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Kirksville Missouri, and Declaring Same to be Null and Void and of No Effect, and Granting to Associated Natural Gas Company, a Division of Arkansas Western Gas Company, its Successors and Assigns, the Right and Privilege and Franchise to Lay Gas Mains Along, Under, and Through the Streets, Avenues, Alleys, Roads, Highways, and Other Public Rights-Of-Way of the City, for the Purpose of Distributing and Selling Gas to the Inhabitants of Said City and Others, and also the Right to Lay Pipelines In, To, Through and Under the Streets, Alleys, Avenues, Roads, Highways, And Other Public Rights-Of-Way of the City for the Purpose of Conveying Gas Through and In Said City for the Distribution and Sale of Gas to the Inhabitants of Said City and Others, for Domestic, Commercial, and Industrial Purposes, Subject to the Terms Herein.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Kirksville, Missouri, as Follows: