§ 25-117. Depth of corridor zone districts.  

Latest version.
  • The depth of all corridor zone districts shall be a maximum of two hundred fifty (250) feet measured from the closest right-of-way line of the corridor street abutting such corridor zone district.

    The maximum depth of a corridor zone district may be increased when the development contemplated by a proposal to rezone property to a corridor zone district will provide positive economic impact on the community as a whole, or when said development will not adversely affect surrounding property values. In such event, the maximum depth may be increased as follows:


    An independent environmental specialist approved by the code administrator shall render a report in writing to the planning and zoning commission which addressed the impact of the development contemplated by the proposed rezoning. The report shall be at the sole cost of the developer and/or owner.


    The maximum depth of the corridor zone district may not be increased except by the favorable vote of two-thirds of the members of the planning and zoning commission present at the rezoning hearing.

(Ord. No. 11029, § 13(b), 4-6-92; Ord. No. 11296, 6-16-97)