§ 25-84. Uses permitted.  

Latest version.
  • In district C-1, no building, structure, land or premises shall be used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed or altered, except for one (1) or more of the following uses:

    Any use permitted in an 0-1P, Office District Planned;

    Any use permitted in district R-4 except fraternities and sororities unless allowed by special use permits;

    Automobile parking lots for passenger cars only;



    Bicycle repair shops, electric repair and "fix-it" shops;

    Cleaning, pressing, dyeing and laundry establishments, including self-service laundries and dry-cleaning establishments;

    Day nursery over ten (10) children;

    Filling stations; provided, that all storage tanks for gasoline shall be below the surface of the ground;

    Frozen food lockers;

    Garages, storage;

    Greenhouses, commercial;

    Lodge halls;

    Miniature golf courses; provided, that any lights shall be directed away from any adjacent residential districts;

    Motor fuel dispensing stations; provided, that all storage tanks for gasoline shall be below the surface of the ground;

    Mortuaries, not including monument storage or displays;

    Photographic service shops;

    Printing shops;

    Radio and television shops or studios;

    Residential treatment facilities for alcohol and drug abuse;

    Restaurants, cafes or cafeterias, where there is no floor show or other form of entertainment, and where there is no sale or consumption of liquor;

    Schools operated as a business;

    Shoe repair shops;

    Shops for custom work or manufacture of articles to be sold at retail only on the premises; provided, that in such manufacture the total mechanical power shall not exceed five (5) horsepower for the operation of any one (1) shop; and provided, that the space occupied by the manufacturing use permitted herein shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the total floor area of the entire building or the equivalent of the ground floor area thereof; and provided further, that such manufacturing use Is not noxious or offensive, by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke or gas;

    Signs are limited to signs advertising services or products offered on the premises.

    Stores, shops and markets for retail trades; provided, that merchandise shall not be displayed, stored or offered for sale on the premises outside of a building within the required front yard;


    Theaters or picture shows;

    Tire shops;

    Accessory uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, including air conditioning plants, ice and refrigerating plants, purely incidental to main activity permitted on the premises, and when operated by electricity or gas;

    The above-specified stores, shops or businesses shall be retail or service establishments exclusively.

(Ord. No. 11029, § 10, 4-6-92; Ord. No. 11296, 6-16-97; Ord. No. 11813, 11-6-2007)