§ 25-81. Uses permitted.  

Latest version.
  • Any use permitted in district R-3.

    Clinics, medical or dental (limited to no more than three (3) practitioners with the building size limited to two thousand four hundred (2,400) square feet).

    Offices, business or professional.

    This district is created to permit the construction or use and occupancy of major streets for the above listed uses. The intention of uses permitted in this district (0-1P) shall allow development of various low intensity service orientated establishments near residential uses which will not interfere with said uses. A great deal of emphasis shall be placed on planning for green areas, landscaping and site buffering. Exterior lighting shall be minimal with only lighting to ensure security and safety of the complex and neighbors. All requirements, of planned zoning shall apply. Prevailing historic and architectural character should be maintained, remodeling and new construction should conform to pre-existing characteristics. In addition, the following shall be required:


    Existing structures shall maintain their historic character that is prevalent prior to change in use.


    Parking required; refer to article IV, section 25-31 (k).


    New construction shall be limited to the following requirements and conditions:


    No metal buildings;


    Brick or brick veneer on front and side street elevations, or other architectural style that is compatible with adjoining uses;


    Lot size shall be a minimum of eight thousand (8,000) square feet. Lot width shall be a minimum of eighty (80) feet;


    The ratio of building to lot size shall be no more than forty (40) percent coverage;


    Parking: refer to article IV, section 25-31 (k);


    Setbacks, same as district C- 1, Local Business District.


    For any commercial or industrial property with a business license, sea going containers may be used for a permanent building only in the rear of the main commercial structure, or may be located at the side of the structure if placed behind privacy fencing that screens the container from view from the front of the property. The structures may be located in any commercial area for a temporary use for storage of materials during a remodeling or other project if the use is no longer than sixty (60) days. For the temporary use of these buildings, the owner or tenant must have a remodeling or other type permit from the city. Existing containers in place on the date of passage of the ordinance, that do not comply with the ordinance, will have one (1) year to comply with the fencing requirement or to be removed from the site. A business that rents or sells sea going containers that is located in an M-2 industrial zone is not required to comply with the location or fencing requirements.

( Ord. No. 12157 , § 7, 4-20-2015)