§ 25-36. Continuing nature of obligation; discontinuing, etc., structure.  

Latest version.
  • The schedule of requirements for off-street parking space and off-street loading space applicable to newly erected or substantially altered structures shall be a continuing obligation of the owner of the real estate on which any such structure is located so long as the structure is in existence and its use requiring vehicle parking or vehicle loading facilities continues.

    It shall be unlawful for an owner of any building affected by this chapter to discontinue, change or dispense with or to cause the discontinuance, sale or transfer of such structure, without establishing alternative vehicle parking or loading space which meets the requirements of and is in compliance with this chapter, or for any person to use such building without obtaining the use of sufficient land for vehicle parking or loading space to meet the requirements of this article.

(Ord. No. 10904, 3-19-90; Ord. No. 11296, 6-16-97)