§ 25-31. Required parking.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Off-street parking is not required for uses permitted, as defined below, in that portion of the CBD district which is within the area as follows:

    South right-of-way line of Illinois Street on the north; eastern right-of-way line of Norfolk and Western Railroad on the west; west right-of-way line of High Street on the east; and north right-of-way line of Jefferson Street, on the south. However, in the CBD district, where construction of non-required off street parking is developed by an owner or developer, the design standards set herein shall apply.


    Existing buildings used for residential, business, or a combination of these uses in the area defined above, do not require off-street parking, with the following exception:


    Buildings used at the time of this ordinance for the purpose of offering retail, or other commercial business in the ground floor space, whose owner wishes to change the use of this ground floor space from retail/commercial to residential living, must provide on-site parking for the residential use. One (1) parking space shall be provided for each bedroom.


    In this application on-site parking shall be defined as specific, reserved parking spaces on private property within the same block of or on a privately owned lot within one-half block from the residence.


    New construction of buildings for business purposes in the area defined above may require construction of off-street parking, dependent upon the type of business that occupies the site.

    Example: Hotels, motels, theaters, or similar types of businesses that might include convention centers, churches, or community centers, or other places of public assembly may require the construction of off-street parking. The decision of whether new buildings in the area defined above will be required to provide parking, and the amount of parking, will be made by the city council after a recommendation from the planning and zoning commission. A public hearing will not be required.


    New construction of buildings for residential purposes, in the area defined above, will require off-street parking on the same lot as the residential use, or the parking may be located in a privately owned lot in the same block, or the parking may be located in a privately owned lot across the street from the residential structure within one-half block. One (1) parking spot per bedroom will be required.


    In all other districts not located within the above-described area, the requirements for off-street parking which are in effect as of the effective date of this section shall continue to apply; provided, however, that after the date of this section, no building or structure shall be erected, constructed or moved, changed in use, nor physically altered so as to increase the floor area of such building or structure, nor shall the interior of any such building or structure be remodeled or renovated where the cost of renovation or remodeling is in excess of fifty (50) percent of the fair market value of such building or structure, unless there already is in existence upon the property, or unless provision is made for the location on the property concurrently with such erection, construction, moving, alteration, change in use, remodeling or renovation, off-street parking space on the basis of the minimum requirements contained herein as applied to the following use categories:


    Minimum off-street parking requirements are:

    All required parking and driveway areas are to be hard-surfaced with concrete or asphalt paving. Any new secondary drive onto the property must be hard-surfaced from the edge of the street to the property line. If the distance from the edge of the street to the property line is less than six (6) feet, a minimum of six (6) feet of the drive must be hard-surfaced, starting at the street edge.

    Single-family residential: Two (2) parking spaces per residence.

    Duplex (two-family) residential: One (1) parking space per bedroom.

    Multi-family residential: One (1) parking space per bedroom.


    Hotels: Hotels, including clubs, lodging houses, boarding houses, residence halls, motels, tourist and trailer camps and parks, and all other similar places offering short-term overnight accommodations, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee and one (1) parking space for each guestroom. If assembly halls, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, retail shops or room for other shops, service establishments or businesses are provided, additional off-street parking spaces shall be required in accordance with the regulations set forth herein for such additional uses.


    Fraternities, sororities, and similar uses: One (1) parking space for each member of the organization living on the premises and one (1) parking space for each employee. In addition, where fraternities, sororities, or similar uses have areas inside the main building or accessory to, for the purpose of meetings, social functions, etc., additional parking according to the maximum floor area allowances per occupant shall apply. The most current building code adopted by the city shall be used in determining occupant load. Once the occupant load is established, the parking requirement shall be one (1) parking space for each two (2) occupants as permitted.

    In computing total parking requirements in cases where social and meeting areas exist, the additional number of spaces required for social functions, meetings, etc., may be reduced by fifty (50) of the number required for the residents in the main building.


    1. 20 member (resident) parking
    30 accessory, meeting area parking
    30 accessory, meeting area, parking
    less -10 (½) members parking
    equal 20 accessory required parking
    plus +20 members
    equals 40 Total parking spaces
    2. 30 member (resident) parking
    20 accessory, meeting area parking
    20 accessory parking
    less -15 (½) member parking
    equals 5 accessory parking
    plus 30 members
    equals 35 Total parking spaces


    Note: In cases where the residing members required parking exceeds twice the accessory, meeting area required parking, there will be no additional parking required for the accessory, meeting area. However, in no case shall the required residing members parking be diminished.


    Hospitals: Hospitals, including sanitariums, orphanages, convalescent homes, nursing homes, and all other similar institutions, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee, staff member, administrative personnel, visiting doctors (one (1) space for every four (4) visiting doctors), and one (1) parking space for each patient bed. In determining the total number of spaces required, the greatest number of employees, staff, administrative personnel, visiting doctors, in any one (1) given shift, shall be used in determining the total number of parking spaces required.


    Restaurants: Restaurants, including bars, taverns, nightclubs, lunch counters, diners and all other similar dining or drinking establishments shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee, and one (1) parking space for every four (4) seats provided for patron use.


    Theaters: Theaters, including motion picture houses, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee, and one (1) parking space for every two (2) seats provided for patron use.


    Places of public assembly: Places of public assembly, including assembly halls, exhibition halls, convention halls, auditoriums, skating rinks, dance halls, bowling alleys, sports arenas, stadiums, gymnasiums, amusement parks, race tracks, fairgrounds, churches, funeral homes, mortuaries, community centers, student centers, libraries, museums, private clubs, lodges and all other places of public assembly, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee, and one (1) parking space for every two (2) seats provided for patron use.


    Retail establishments: Retail establishments, including all retail stores, any retail business, banks, other financial and lending institutions, personal service shops, equipment or repair shops, gasoline or other motor fuel stations or motor vehicle sales or repair establishments, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee on the largest shift, and one (1) parking space for every four hundred (400) square feet of gross building area. The minimum parking requirement for retail establishments shall be at least four (4) parking spaces. All required parking spaces must be hard surfaced.


    For new or used car dealerships, in conjunction with the employee and building square footage hard surface parking requirements, all new or used vehicles offered for sale must be parked on a hard surface connected with a hard surface driveway that connects to a city street. Any new business start-up for auto sales must be in compliance before a business license will be issued. As of the effective date of this ordinance, any vehicle dealership currently in business will be grandfathered for the hard surface parking and drive requirements, with the following exception:


    Any parking of vehicles on dealerships that are grandfathered must be parked on good rock-based parking areas and not on dirt or parking areas that would be muddy when wet conditions are present.


    Special displays of vehicles temporarily parked on grass or other surfaces for aesthetic purposes is not considered a violation of this section.


    Office buildings: Office buildings, including commercial, government and professional buildings, and medical and dental clinics, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee on the largest shift, and one (1) parking space for every four hundred (400) square feet of gross building area. The minimum parking requirement for office buildings shall be four (4) parking spaces.


    Wholesale manufacturing and industrial plants: Wholesale manufacturing and industrial plants, including warehouses, storage buildings, and yards, public utility buildings, contractor equipment and lumberyards, research laboratories, business service establishments, such as blueprinting and engraving, soft drink bottling establishments, fabricating plants and all other structures devoted to similar mercantile or industrial pursuits, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee in the shift with the greatest number of employees, and one (1) parking space for every two hundred (200) square feet of area accessible to patrons. For buildings used for storage purposes only, where there is no additional personnel hired for their operation, a minimum of two (2) parking spaces shall be required.


    Terminal facilities: Terminal facilities, including airports, railroad passenger and freight stations, bus depots, truck terminals and all other similar facilities, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee, and one (1) parking space for every two hundred (200) square feet of area accessible to patrons.


    Schools: Schools, including academies, colleges, universities, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, prep schools and all other similar institutions of learning, shall provide at least one (1) parking space for each employee in the shift with the greatest number of employees, and one (1) parking space for every three (3) students sixteen (16) years of age or older.

    All uses please note: In determining total parking requirements for uses other than a specific use group previously regulated in this section and shift work is the mode of operation, the shift having the greatest number of employees shall be considered.

(Ord. No. 10904, 3-19-90; Ord. No. 11029, § 4, 4-6-92; Ord. No. 11296, 6-16-97; Ord. No. 11996, § 1, 3-19-2012; Ord. No. 12157 , § 4, 4-20-2015; Ord. No. 12162 , §§ 1, 2, 7-20-2015; Ord. No. 12165 , § 1, 8-3-2015; Ord. No. 12171 , § 1, 9-21-2015)