§ 25-5. Districts generally enumerated.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of regulating and restricting the use of land and the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration or use of buildings, structures or land, the city is hereby divided into thirteen (13) districts as follows:

    District R-1, single-family residential district;

    District R-2, two-family residential district;

    District R-2-S, two-family special residential district;

    District R-3, multifamily residential district;

    District R-3-S, multifamily special residential district;

    District R-4, general residential district;

    District R-4-S, general special residential district;

    District C-1, local business district;

    District CBD, central business district;

    District C-3, extensive business district;

    District M-1, light industrial district;

    District M-2, heavy industrial district;

    District H, historic district;

    Planned zoning districts. Each of the districts, except for the CBD, herein set forth shall have a separate and distinct counterpart known and herein referred to as a planned district. A planned district shall be for the purpose of permitting and regulating the uses heretofore permitted in the equivalent district, and further provided for and encourage latitude and flexibility in the location of buildings, structures, roads, drives, variations in yards and open spaces all subsequent to approval of the plan by the planning commission and city council. The purpose is to allow development of tracts of land to their fullest extent and at the same time observe the general intent and spirit of these regulations. Planned districts shall be as follows:

    District RP-1, planned single-family residential district;

    District RP-2, planned two-family residential district;

    District RP-2S, planned two-family special residential district;

    District RP-3, planned multifamily district;

    District RP-3S, planned multifamily special district;

    District RP-4, planned general residential district;

    District RP-4S, planned general special residential district;

    District RP-5, planned mobile home park district;

    District 0-1P, planned office district;

    District CP-1, planned local business district;

    District CBDP, planned central business district;

    District CP-3, planned extensive business district;

    District MP-1, planned light industrial district;

    District MP-2, planned heavy industrial district;

    P.U.D., Planned unit development.

(Ord. No. 11296, 6-16-97; Ord. No. 11858, 2-23-2009)

State law reference

Authority of city to divide city into districts, RSMO. § 89.030.